Time to Say Goodbye—A Personal Note from Nancy
There are many ways to celebrate a retirement and to say goodbye. Some might choose a gathering of close family and friends, a big party, or perhaps a quiet goodbye. I’ve decided to say goodbye to you—my loyal viewers, readers, and customers—with a personal note.
My retirement came as a shock to my family and me. As some of you may know, I was diagnosed with osteosarcoma, a type of bone cancer, in March of 2015. Another primary cancer—breast cancer—was found four months later. I was treated with surgeries, chemotherapy, and radiation through May of 2016. During this time, my staff, friends, and I continued to produce Sewing With Nancy shows, some creatively repackaged, and other brand-new episodes. My amazing team worked diligently to help me with the book-writing process, to develop new products, and to keep me up to speed. We skipped a few beats, but not too many.
Earlier this year, my husband and I celebrated our 40th anniversary and vacations were enjoyed. Then, life changed. A scan in July showed that one of the cancers had metastasized and additional treatments would not be helpful. It was a devastating day, realizing that my life and my career, as I had known it, would end.
During these last six weeks, I’ve been having meaningful conversations with family and friends—a bittersweet time. My staff and I have been working on rearranging my business, Nancy Zieman Productions (I sold Nancy’s Notions to the Tacony Corporation in 2003), determining how to wrap up Sewing With Nancy, and figuring out how to continue our valuable partnerships with Wisconsin Public Television—mainly Quilt Expo, which will continue.
I recorded new Sewing With Nancy shows right up to my diagnosis. You’ll find 15 new episodes this season, with reissues of programs to fill this season. Plus, my hope is that the Sewing With Nancy series will continue to air for years to come. The last episode that we recorded is I Sew For Fun, a show on team sewing with kids ages 5–9. My granddaughters will be featured; I marvel at this miracle.
It is not easy to say goodbye, especially since the terms were totally unexpected. I have learned during these past weeks to concentrate on my faith. You may not share my beliefs; I respect that, yet I would not be true to myself if I did not state the verse that I am focusing on during this last journey. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lean not on your own understanding. Acknowledge Him in all you do and He will direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:5–6
I am finding great peace today, knowing that I can thank you for your many years of dedication, viewership, and friendship. I’ve had a great and long career, starting Nancy’s Notions in 1979 and Sewing With Nancy in 1982. We’ve recorded 36 seasons of Sewing With Nancy, which totals 910 shows. (The first and last seasons did not have the customary 26 episodes; only I have been keeping track of the number!) I have been blessed to work with quality, amazing people.
So, with a heavy, yet humble heart, I thank you and say goodbye.
Your friend,
Dear Nancy,. I have watched your show for many years. I have enjoyed your with and wisdom and learned so much from you. One of the funniest things I learned is that it is okay to mess up and that everyone does. I am.grsteful for all the time and effort you put into creating your shows, your patterns, and your books.
Jenn Chavez-Ward
I’m very sorry to hear about the cancer, I can’t possibly imagine the myriad of emotions you’re feeling.
I had recently discovered your work last year, while waiting to get my blood drawn for some tests. As I’ve slowly gone through the archives, I have always come away with not just new knowledge, but inspiration to try something I never imagined possible. The latest example was your videos on repurposing jeans. Hubby had passed on his old ones a while ago, but I’d never thought of anything to do with them. After viewing the videos, I remembered I had a half-finished bag that could use some inner pockets. Not only did I use the actual back pockets, but I also fashioned 4 more bespoke pockets out of the yoke! The belt loops are also being used as strapping and I’m considering using a leg for the actual cross-body strap.
Long story short, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your knowledge with the rest of us. I will always be grateful for your contribution to my sewing journey. Sending you big hugs!
Tim Latimer
Nancy you have been such an inspiration. Your show has given me so many ideas. Your book “seams unlikely” inspired me take the jump into a quilting business. Your life has touched many people and we thank you!
Tim Latimer
Jan Godwin
Nancy: Thank You so much for your valued information that I faithfully watched for years. So many special projects that are still valued to me. My favorite was making Christmas Stockings. To this day with 6children & spouses, 7grand children & spouses & 3great grandchildren my favorite project is the Stockings. This Christmas again the stair way steps stockings will be hanging in our open stairway tucked with a gift or two. There are so many projects that I currently do that were Sewing With Nancy Projects. I have sewn for over 50 yrs. Thank You for adding many creative ideas to my projects.
My husband and I both are Cancer survivors. We know how fortunate we are.
My thoughts are with you and your family!
My prayers will be with you!
Thank You!
Beth Piper
You have always been an inspiration to me throughout my sewing projects. Always thinking in the back of my mind, what would Nancy do. I know I speak for so many that we will miss meeting you during morning coffee to see what new and innovative things you have for me.
I am very sorry to hear of your health issues and will be keeping you, your family and friends in my prayers.
Thank you for being a part of my life all these years with all your help and advice.
God bless.
Beth Piper
Sue Watson
I want to thank you for all the help you have been for me in the past years, I have been with yo since the beginning. It is sad that you have to stop. But we all have those days. With my health I have had to stop doing a lot o things that I didn’t want to. This system we are living in is horrible and I will be glad when it is over and the earth is cleansed back to a paradise. In my study of the Bible I have learned a lot about what is going to happen and am looking forwarding to when it finally comes. My faith has been a great help for me and my family. I know that I can have full faith and believe what Jehovah God has promised in his word the Bible. Take care and hope things will be looking up for you. That Paradise Earth that is promised in the Bible will be here soon and we will finally have peace and security at last. I will miss seeing you, but hope they will continue showing your programs in reruns. Take care
Pat Hunsucker
You are the reason I started to sew a few years ago. I found m passion because of you and your show. I am truly heartbroken by your email about your further health sorrows. Know that I, and millions of other sewists have you and your family in our prayers. God Bless You Nancy.
Pat Hunsucker
Patricia Hersl
I am crying for my friend of over 30 years whom I have never met. God be with you on your journey.
Ann Steeves
Nancy, we’ve never met, but you have been an inspiration to me since I first saw “Sewing With Nancy” in the 80s. God bless you and your family during this time and always.
Valerie Codron
I feel the same!
Carol L
So sad to hear this. You have inspired me and so many to sew and keep sewing and try new sewing. I have been sewing nearly 50 years and have loved watching your show and trusting my purchases to Nancy’s Notions. Bless you and your family. Heartfelt thanks and peace be with you.
Janice Fields
Dear Nancy , I am crying as I am writing this letter. You are my favorite tv star and sewing Guru. My heart gives out toyou and your family. I pray for Gid’s peace and comfort for you. I am glad you are a believer. So am I. Gid’s love for us us the only comfort there is for us in this world. You and your family have my prayers. I believe in miracles.
Janice Fields
Dear Nancy , I am crying as I am writing this letter. You are my favorite tv star and sewing Guru. My heart gives out to you and your family. I pray for God’s peace and comfort for you. I am glad you are a believer. So am I. God’s love for us us the only comfort there is for us in this world. You and your family have my prayers. I believe in miracles.
Doreen M
Thank you for all you have contributed to the world Nancy,. Many blessing to you, your family. Thank you❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Marlyn Moore
I am so sorry to hear this. Cancer is a devastating condition, and I wish it could be totally eradicated. I have enjoyed your shows throughout the years, and wish you well –
Sue Porter
Nancy, I am so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I did meet you in NH a couple of years ago and you were so gracious to all of us who wanted a minute of your time. Your videos got me back into sewing and taught me so much. Please keep in touch and let us know how you are doing. My love and prayers to you and your family.
Jo mimms
Nancy, like many others have said, God bless you for all of the years you have served the sewing community so well and so faithfully. This has been a mission field for you and you have ministered to thousands! I praise God for the gift of you and all of those who have supported your journey. One of my favorite verses from Psalm 23 is that the Great Shepherd goes with us into our dark valleys and fellowships with us as the psalmist’s words say – He sets a table before me in the midst of the enemy. I know He’s walking with you and that on this new path you will be discovering Him in a way that you have never known. I will continue to pray for your endurance, and God’s grace on this journey. I know you already believe this at Philippians 4:13: “I can endure all things through Christ who strengthens me;” just keep believing and trusting as prayers go up on your behalf. God be with you, your family and friends in this next faith battle and bathe you in the Holy Spirit to endure. Hugs. -j
Dear Nancy, You have been my inspiration for many years. I feel like you are also my friend. We have met and talked at quilt expos, and it always amazed me how sweet and down to earth you are to your fans. Your bravery and creativity are traits to be admired. Thank you for your friendship. We all love you.
With tears and hugs, Wendy
Beth Kauffman
Thank you for sharing your talents with us all. God bless you.
This is a sad, sad day for the sewing world. Your presence on tv, magazines and social media will be a Great loss to millions of us. But we all collectivelt send you love, white light and peace in the days ahead. Thank you for all your hard work over the years. God be with you.
Donna D
Dear Nancy,
I have watched you from the very beginning. Many Saturdays were spent sitting in front of the TV absorbing everything you had to say. When I could not watch I made sure to record it and watch later. My DVR has been permanently set for your show. You have been a great inspiration to us all. May God give you the peace that passes all understanding in the coming days.
Praying for you. Your posted Bible verse has great comfort in the words of our Lord. I have watched you since the 80’s with my Mom. We both wouldn’t miss your show after dinner and now I have that memory of my Mom. With much love and admiration, Patricia
Kathy Kyhn
Prayers go out to you and your family, I have learned a lot from your programs!
Dear Nancy, what heartbreaking news. I read about it on a sewing site to which I belong. I have followed you since you first aired on PBS; we have grown up together! My bucket list has always included a visit to Nancy’s Notions (which has yet to be achieved). All my love and prayers to you and your family. Your Bible verse is the exact same one I have relied on time and again throughout my lifetime. I wish you well. May the Lord hold you and your family in His hands.
Sandra Carrillo
I don’t even know how one deals with this type of news except by believing in God. I was heartbroken to learn of this. I will miss watching your YouTube episodes and receiving emails from your store. I respect and admire you for your knowledge in the sewing field. You can be proud (I’m sure you are) to know that you inspired the sewing industry and will always remain as an icon. God Bless you and your family during this time. Sending a great big hug. Sandra Carrillo
Jennifer Nystrom
First, thank you for sharing your talent and love with us for these past several years. You are truly an inspiration. You will be missed. My prayers to you and your family as you go through this valley, but it sounds like you have a faith that will get you through.
You have left a great legacy by showing us how to use our gifts and talents to better the lives of others. For that, we are truly thankful. You not only taught us to be better at our craft, but to be better people as well. Again, thank you.
Debbie Howe
Thank you for your years of teaching and inspiration. I feel like you have been my friend in my sewing room for many, many years. I pray for you and your family.
Kathleen Hoffer
Nancy, my first stitches were with 4-H, but I learned to sew with you when I was newly married. Now I sew for grandchildren and others. You’re a friend I haven’t hugged. Thank you so very much for the gift of you, for the gift of creating. Thank you for blessing my life so I can give. May God encircle you and yours in the arms of his tender love and peace. With a hug, Kathleen
D Norotsky
All of us whether we share your faith will be praying for you and your family to ease the transition. Thank you for so many enjoyable years through your professional career.
Linda Hodge
It is with heavy heart & tears that I say ‘see you later’. Our cycle is sure but this is most unexpected and far too soon from an earthly perspective. I love your strength in faith, we are sisters, we are friends who have only met in passing at markets, I have VCR’d DVR’d and listened to you intently through the years… you have stitched beautiful memories into my heart… you are loved dearly Nancy – thank you for your transparency, thank you for your contribution to so much of our education! Love, hugs & prayers to you and to your family
Marty Mack
My dearest Nancy,
My heart aches. There are no words to say how much I wish you peace. You will always be in my prayers. God is,watching.
Mary Dittmer
Take God’s hand, he will lead you. He knows your way. Thank you for you have showed us.
Martha Dooley
I recently found you and your show. You have such knowledge and are so gracious to share it. Enjoy your family and friends you have left a wonderful legacy to the sewing world for that we all thank you. Sending prayers of hope, strength, and positivity.
Nancy you have been an inspiration to me and many other people. Because of your help online and on facebook I am slowly venturing further into my love of sewing adjusting patterns for myself and eventually for others. Thank you for your inspiration and Blessings on your journey and God Bless. Much love to you and your family. from Helen in Australia.
Sally Johnson
My sister in Christ,
God has other plans for you, while it is so hard to go through the things we do, at least we know we have greater rewards waiting for us. I will be putting you and your family on our prayer list at my church, Cedar Springs United Methodist church. I love watching your shows and I’ve learned so much. Thank you Nancy.
Elizabeth Ruediger
Dear Nancy,
My son was born in 1991, and had medical problems including a mild palsy. When he was allergic to the pajamas, etc with the flame retardant, I was desparate to do something for him. I saw you and your show, and went out and bought a Viking. It was fleece that gave him the most comfort, so I started making PJs, sheets, etc before they were available to buy. Now all these years later, today I am finishing a fleece blanket/quilt for his 12 yr old stepdaughter, using one of your books. She loves the other two I have made her, and that gives me so much joy.
May God give you peace and comfort, and please know that you have given the same to so many yourself.
TY for the inspiration you had been to us wanna be in sewing!
your past shows were my go to way before you tube was here. the products i have bought thru Nancy’s notions remains essential tools in my sewing room. your inspiring shows encouraged me to try things till i realize not only can i sew but that it is FUN.
Jacqueline W.
Nancy, I love you and I thank you for giving me the love of sewing, it’s my therapy. You have been on my mind so much last month. God bless you…GOD Speed….
Laura Parker
Dear Nancy ~ I think our faith is very similar and our futures are in God’s hands, I pray healing for you (and for the surprise liver disease that struck me); but most of all, thank you for sharing your joy of sewing and beautiful spirit. I have one of your signed sewing machine’s and think fondly of you every time I see it! So regardless of what happens when, it’s “bye for now.” (I know a wonderful lady who says that to us at the end of her shows!). With love …
mary t virden
So sorry, I have been a fan of yours for many years. God bless you.
Joy Scaggs
Dearest Nancy
I’m so sorry to hear of your retirement and the reason. You have helped me so much over the years . You’re such a blessing to so many people and have helped so many to be creative . I send you love , prayers and peacertainly. God bless you .
Janie Mason
I am just so sad to learn about your diagnosis and retirement. You have brought such joy into my life. I have recorded so many of your programs. I was absolutely delighted the day you read my embroidery tip on your program !! Cancer is such a monster! I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2014. It was caught early but I am so greatful for each day because you never know when it will return. I am so happy that you have faith in God and know that HE holds us in his hand. God bless you and your family.
Jan Murry
Thanks so much for sharing your talents and inspiration with all of us for so many years. Thanks also for sharing your strong faith and the words that comfort you. May the Lord continue to comfort you and may the love of your family and all of your “sewing family” sustain you.
Mary Deeter
Dear Nancy – My prayers are with you and your family during what is a challenging time. I know you are going to be focused on your days together with them all, and not distracted by business any more. When my husband had cancer and was dying he kept shooing me out the door to “go to work”. I wish I had been able to spend more of those last days with him. I learned something 9 months after he passed away. Rick Warren, Purpose Driven Life, had a quote in the book that reminded us that your last day on earth is your birthday into Heaven. That really struck me. We had sung Happy Birthday to my husband just hours before he died, and he sang with us. It wasn’t his earthly birthday. That had been 2 weeks before. He SANG with us. He hadn’t spoken all day, yet he SANG. So, I learned later, that it is really a celebration to look forward to, that birthday INTO Heaven, not to be feared. I pray you will travel to that celebration without suffering. I for one, will celebrate with you. Thank you for all your teaching over the years. God’s blessings and peace.
Mary Deeter, Georgetown DE
Becky Berning
I am at a loss of words. First of all, take care of yourself and stay positive. I am so sorry that cancer has reoccurred but I pray that your faith will help meet the challenges. I will definitely miss “Sewing With Nancy” on PBS. I have watched for many years and have many of your videos and books in my sewing room. You definitely helped people with their projects and encouraged people to start sewing, etc. I have met you a couple of times and you definitely are a kind person. Thank you for all you have done for the sewing world.
My prayers go out for you & your family & friends as you deal so bravely with what you are dealing with. We will miss your smile & devotion to the industry. May God be with you.
Michele Palladino
Nancy, you are in my prayers. May the Lord watch over you and give you strength
Pam innocente
Be strong, revel in your family and friends, eat some quality chocolate. Find time to give and receive lots of hugs and kisses. May god grant you a peaceful path. Love and hugs.
Linda Oldford
Prayers for you and your family. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.
Anna Humphrey
Dear Nancy,
You have inspired me for many,
many years with your wonderful
sewing and quilting demonstration
and tips.
I’m praying that you will feel God’s
love and healing touch as He blesses
you with comfort and peace. ♡
Mary Gerth
God bless you and your family. My prayers are with you for a miracle of healing but if God wishes you to be home then prayers of comfort for your family. Your sewing ideas have been an inspiration to me
Love and Prayers Mary
My prayers are with you at this time. I am so sorry as you have been such a joy and inspirtation. You have a good verse to hang on to!
Dianna Nez
I am sorry to hear about your health. A word of thanks for sharing your sewing techniques, you have taught me a lot through “Sewing with Nancy” thru out the years. Prayers and hugs to you and family.
God Bless You Nancy.
Lois Beamish Taylor
Nancy, You have been an inspiration to so many. Thank you for sharing your amazing gifts with the world. I wish you peace, love and joyful moments on this next – most tragic – journey. May God bless you and your family and friends.
Thank you for your clear instructions in sewing! Love your program and approach to teaching.
Believing God with you. His word is true and that’s where we stand. I’m reminded of the old hymn Standing on the Promises. Praying for you and those that minister to you to have God’s wisdom. You are blessed in Jesus name.
Bonnie Jo Berg
Thank YOU dear Nancy for all the inspiration and practical information you’ve provided through the years. I have watched Sewing with Nancy since the very beginning and learned so much from you. I use wrapped corners on so many projects!
I am so sorry to hear about your diagnosis, I can only offer prayers for you and your family.
I am so very sorry to hear your sad news, Nancy.
I started sewing just around the time your show was becoming popular – one of the ladies at my sewing store raved about your show and I was hooked. You have been a good friend over the years while I sewed and I have many, many of your books. I had to stop sewing a few years ago due to an illness, but hope to be able to pick it up again at some point.
You have inspired me, touched me and been a teacher to me. I share your faith and will offer my prayers to your own.
Thank you.
The news you have gotten is a great sadness to all that have watched your series. Your series allowed me to refresh and learn new skill to continue enjoy sewing.
We do not know what is in store for each of us as we walk the path of life. God will send you the direction to which you will follow next .
Prayers to you and your family
Thank you for being part of our family ever Saturday morning. May god be with you and your family.
Delores Gardner
I’m so sorry to read this. I pray peace & comfort will be with you and your family. Come to MD Anderson in Houston. Don’t give up! There are new findings every day! We love you!
Terri Ondrizek
Dear Nancy,
You may never know the tremendous impact you have made in the sewing community. More importantly, the impact made in the hearts of so many of us. Thank you for sharing your talent with us for a time that seems so short.
Ph 4: 13 reminds us; ” I can do all things through Him, who gives us strength.”
May you find strength to battle the cancers.
Thank You For All You Have Done.
Kaye Walker
Nancy, I my heart is filled with sadness at your news. You have taught me so much over the years and I will never forget you. You are loved by so many, including me and that love will continue on. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. Keep strong in your faith and let God carry you through.
Heidi Smith
Like many others I too grew up watching you on PBS. Your talent and beauty is God given which you used to help make our world a better, more beautiful place. You are an extraordinary person. May you find comfort and peace as you take this journey. May God bless you, may He comfort you, may you find oeace.
Helen M Holland
I am so sorry to learn the news, Nancy. Here in Scotland I have used your books over many years for my Sewing and Overlocking. You have used your talents so well over all the years and others have learned from you too. So sad to learn your news. You have chosen a lovely Verse from Proverbs. Remembering you in our prayers with thankfulness. God Bless, Helen.
Dear Nancy: How sad I am to read this news! I have watched you since the 90’s beginning on my local PBS station. You have taught me much and inspired me as well. You will be in my prayers as you prepare to meet our Lord! Yet as I pray, I also ask for a miracle of healing. However the Lord answers, I know you will have His peace and comfort. Blessings to you, dear Sister in Christ!
Gail Ison
Dear Nancy,
I am so sorry to hear this! I have so much enjoyed your shows over the years and thank you for all the time & effort you spent to make each show special! The world of sewing will never be the same without you and you will live on in our hearts as we sew! You have been such an inspiration to so many around the world! Prayers for comfort for you and your family during this difficult time!
You will be greatly missed!
Evelyn Dix
Dear Nancy
You have given so many of us the inspiration to finish projects that we started and got stuck at what to do next. When my kids were little I made pantsuit out of the knit material for people I never even met because elastic pants could be adjusted to fit most women back then.
Thank you so much for all your lessons on sewing and how to use the machines. May God bless you and keep you safe from pain. Live always Evelyn Idc Winter Haven Florida
God bless you as you go through this valley. May he give you and your loved ones strength and peace. Thank you for all your sewing and quilting tips!
DeeDee walsh
Nancy, I thank you from the bottom of my heart that you helped me with my sewing skills and sharing your gifted talents publicly for all to learn. You will always be in my prayers. God bless.
Bobbie Calgaro
My prayers are with you and your family at this extremely difficult diagnosis and time. Please know that God will be with you through this and He will support you and your family with His loving arms. Thank you for all the wonderful inspiration and education you have given us in the sewing world. God bless you and keep you and give you peace.
Nora Tayler
I have enjoyed all your videos on YouTube. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. It has been a pleasure to watch all the different videos you have made. Just remember God will help you through this bump in the road.
Beverly Akins
I am sorry to hear of your health issues, God bless you and your family. I love watching Sewing with Nancy on Saturday morning. Also I am from Tennessee and I did have the pleasure of visiting Nancy’s Notions store while visiting Mall of America. I have learned so much from you over the years. Nancy you will be truly missed, everything is in God’s hands.
This is certainly sad news. Two people that have shaped my sewing skills are you and Ann Person. Both of you taught me many techniques, but most importantly, you encouraged my creativity and allowed me to celebrate both my successes and failures when trying something new. I have been watching for more years than I care to admit (hints at my age), met you at an event in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, and have read your book. So I can say you not only taught me sewing skills but also how to face adversity with a smile and a prayer. You truly are an inspiration! I can only hope to emulate you in my own life. Good luck with future treatments coming your way and know that millions are praying for you!
Valerie Brown
Thank you, Nancy, for sharing your talent, life, and story with us. We will meet again!
Bye for now,
Cathy V.
It is with a heavy heart that I read your post this morning. I have watched your show pretty much from the begiining & learned so many techniques & tips to make my sewing that much better.
My prayers & thoughts go out to you and your family as you travel this extremely difficult path of life. May you find peace and comfort knowing that you have helped so many of us & we all join together asking the Lord to bless you & comfort you in your time of need. Thank you again for your dedication to your viewers.
Alison Beiko
Dear Nancy I and the rest of the sewing/quilting world are saddened greatly by your news. I have watched you from the beginning and have never missed a show. Thank you for your extended knowledge and passion of sewing/quilting. You are an inspiration to millions.
Love you Nancy
Romans 8:38-39
38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Cindy Jackson
Dear Nancy, I will continue to keep you and your family in prayer. You and your shows have been my teacher, creative muse, inspiration as I sit at my sewing machine. Thank you for all you have given! Your love and passion for sewing….your legacy is living boldly! I pray for your continued peace on this journey! With love, Cindy
Chris Ranick
Oh, Nancy! What sad news for all of us but even more so for you, your family and close friends. I did meet you several times at the sewing weekend and will forever remember your warmth, sense of humour, and you willingness to share your knowledge. You are one very classy lady. I hope your coming days are filled with love, smiles, hugs and peace.
Jill Mount
Dear Nancy,
Prayers for you and your family. You have been a most amazing teacher to so many people. Thank you for being you and thank you for your staff. Please take care of You and your family.
Thank you, Nancy, for all your years of sharing your knowledge and wonderful sewing tips. My heartfelt prayers are sent for you and your family.
Janice Densch
I have watch you for years. I would like to thank you for inspiring me. I have also learned a lot from you. May God continue to bless you. It is now a test of faith. Put it in the Lord`s hands.
Sara Medlock
God bless you Nancy praying for you. You will truly be missed. Thank you for the many years of your teaching. You were the only one I got up at 6:00am to watch.
Yvonne Myrick
So very sorry to see you have to end your career and beautiful family life. Please know that I am praying for you and your family. Thank you for all you’ve done for me in my sewing career. You will be missed!!
Linda Blakita
Dearest Nancy,
Thank you so much for all your inspiration over the years. I wish you the love of family and friends on this last part of your life journey, and especially the love and comfort of God and faith. God bless you. Linda
Cathryn Harjung
Oh my goodness, your announcement has given me such sadness. My first instinct is to say “Thank you, Nancy”, for the decades of inspiration, gentle instruction, and creative ideas. My second instinct is to let you know how much you matter. You have been a part of my sewing success since the moment I discovered your show in 1986. This sewist has a heavy heart but I must tell you that I am grateful for you. Godspeed.
Cathy Parker
I will pray for you and your family sweet lady.
Nancy, thank you so much for your inspiration both in the sewing arts and in living life to the fullest. I will be saying prayers for you and your family, and the God will bless you all with his peace.
Peggy Mislock
Dear Nancy, words can not adequately say what is in my heart. My mother-in-law came to live with us in ’95. Like you, she was an amazing woman. She taught me how to be strong and still be a lady. The week before she passed at 92, she picked up her address book, and with the help of my husband…her son, she called everyone to say good bye and tell them how much she loved them and how grateful she was for having them in her life. She was a very Christen woman and her friends were of every faith, color and creed. She truly loved everyone. Her faith was very strong right up to the end. While I don’t know you personally, you remind me a lot of her. I’ve loved watching you show ever since I started quilting after my retirement. Overtime we moved, I made sure the cable service I had carried your show. I started quilting by making Quilts of Valor…learning as I went with your help coming from the tiny TV in my sewing studio. I wish you and your family a peaceful journey of faith and discovery. My love to you all…you have been a wonderful teacher and great inspiration to so many.
I have only just found you, Nancy and have thoroughly enjoyed watching your videos.
The legacy you leave will go on forever. I’ll be able to share your videos with my grandchildren to encourage them to sew.
Thank you so much.
God Bless you as you journey on to new places. He will be your strength and guide. Thanks for all that you have done for the quilting community. We will miss you.
Thank you for your many years of teaching and encouraging us to step out of our comfort zones to try new methods. I have enjoyed learning from your teachings.
I applaud you for mentioning your faith. Although some see this as a weakness, it is our strength. Without Him, we would be nothing. He has allowed you to be a mighty leader in the sewing field. No, my sister, it’s time to rest. It’s time to make memories with your family.
Yes, there will be a huge hole in the sewing world. Don’t worry, someone is going to come along and pick up where you’ve left off.
You will be missed. Go enjoy your sweet family.
Love and prayers
Wilma Edwards
Nancy, Thank you for inspiring so many people through your programs. I have watched your shows for years, and learned so much. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. God is with you in this time, for peace and comfort.
Thank you, Nancy, for all that you have done to teach us the art of sewing and to allow us to watch your art of giving to others. You are a wonder, an inspiring woman. I am glad you have faith in God, who promises to never leave you nor forsake you. Go with God, Nancy, and He with you.
Judy Hyland
You have inspired so many with your love of sewing. Enjoy your family and may God watch over you. Prayers to you and yours.
Susan K
Nancy you have touched many sewers in your life, including me. I’ve learned so much from your shows. Thanks and best wishes! I love the Bible verse. Love & Prayers!
Mary Ehrhardt
May God’s peace be with you and your family through this time. I pray you are able to enjoy some good times with your family. I’ve watched you from the earlier days, read your book, and got a picture with you when you attended a Babylock event in Louisiana. You looked so pretty, and the expression on my face was of an excited kid meeting a mega star celebrity. Which of course I was- but you were so kind, friendly, and humble.
Thank you Nancy, for sharing so much over the years, being strong enough to branch out and change with the times – introducing us to so many other great sewing people doing both big and small things through Nancy’s Corner. We love you!
Terri Rogers
Dear Nancy, I have spent many Sunday afternoons with you through PBS, and am so very sad to hear of your illness. You have been an inspiration to me and countless others. As you walk through this journey, please know that you are being lifted to the throne of grace by the prayers of your friends. My prayer for you from Psalm 57:1…”Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me, for in you my soul takes refuge. I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed.” God bless and keep you.
Janice Hagerty
Thank You for stirring my creativity all these years, you made things look so easy. You were certainly gifted and I thank you for sharing those gifts. Will be keeping you in my prayers❤️
June Williams
God truly blessed you with your ability to create, the wonderful thing is that you shared it with so many. I was fortunate to take a Sweat Shirt Class with one of your team members (taking a sweat shirt and making a jacket) at Jackman’s in Fairview Heights, Il I so enjoyed it and I have the book in my library, and I proudly wear my lovely jacket. It is so wonderful to be exposed to television and a personal computer to bond with you. Bear in mind there are thousands of your fans that do not have a computer or the know how to tune in to this meaningful good bye from you, and now I will tell you…………GOOD BYE
Kathy Schulz
You have been my inspiration for a very long time! I have come to your sewing weekends almost from the beginning! I am very sad at this news and hope you will always know how much so many of us have enjoyed following your shows and going to Beaver Dam in the spring. Take care of yourself. You are in my prayers.
LouAnne Ortega
Nancy your legacy will live on. You taught me how to sew garments in your early years. Be blessed Nancy and prepare for your next great adventure.
Susanne Knudsen
Thank you Nancy for all the information that you shared. May God guide you through the next phase of your life.
Donna C
There are no words to express how much we love and will miss you, Nancy. I feel as though you are a personal friend, after watching you for all these years, and I was lucky enough to meet you once, several years ago. I wish you peace and much love. Your impact on the sewing community cannot be measured, and you will continue to be a force, through all of your wonderful shows, for decades to come.
Nancy, I have learned so much from you. I am so sorry for your illness. You have been in my prayers. Thank you for all your knowledge.
Gloria Farmer
So sorry to see you go, but you need to take care of yourself, you will be missed, I learned so much from you, I send you prayers and love
Dear Nancy,
I feel like I have followed you my entire life. My heart goes out to you and your family, you will be missed. Our prayers with you all.
The Keep Family
Nancy you have been such a blessing in my life. You made sewing fun and enjoyable. I am so sorry for your health issues but I know your faith is strong and will carry you and your family through this journey. Thank you for always sharing tips, tricks, and projects. I will treasure the time I’ve watched your shows. When I was having a rough time at work, my husband asked what did I want to do to take my mind off of everything. Through tears I said I wanted to go to Beaver Dam Wisconsin. He knew exactly where I wanted to go. May God surround you with his peace and comfort. Love and hugs to you.
Hi Nancy. Like many others, I am so sorry for what you have gone through and so sad to hear this news. I remember, many years ago when Pfaff Conventions were in Las Vegas, CA for dealers and their educators, I attended one of your events. It was so inspiring and a lot of fun. One of the Pfaff Educators (that’s what they called them at that time) told us stories of how you had graciously invited them to your home and what a fantastic time they had. Thank you for all the years you have helped and inspired so many. Please let your family know we are thinking of them.
Mary Ann Hansen
My heart is heavy with the news. Your contagious love for sewing has been a part of my life for many years. I still have VHS tapes FILLED with Sewing With Nancy episodes. I still go back and review an instruction sometimes. You are leaving a legacy that will be passed on to our children and grands. Thank you for the many years of amazing labor you have put forth to teach us. You are deeply appreciated. Praying for you in this journey. I have joked that maybe I will get to sew robes for the angels. Perhaps we both will!
Mary Burn
So sorry to learn about your diagnosis. It won’t be the same without you. I have learned so much from you over the past years and have a lot of your earlier books. Thank you for sharing your faith with us. I know I have many friends who have relied on that same verse. Take care and blessings on you and your family.
Kimberly Warren
You changed my life’s path in 1986, when as a young pregnant woman I was struggling to re-teach my self to sew. What an inspiration you were and still are to me and to millions of your shows followers. The number of people you have inspired in your lifetime just shows all of us, “You did it right”. Your legacy will live on for generations Nancy, a rememberance for your family to be proud of. Until I meet you on the other side, I pray for your comfort. I love you, Nancy Zieman
Jan Ringer
Much love to you and your family. You have helped me so much with my sewing and quilting and I will miss you. God be with you.
Mary Yonker
Nancy, I was so sad to hear the news. Many years you have been an inspiration to me. Thank you for keeping me motivated with quilting and sewing. God Bless you and your family.
Yvonne Hall
As I sit here with tears in my eyes for the loss of a great mentor my heart aches for you and your family. I know that there is fear and sadness felt by everyone who loves you I also know that with the faith and love you have shown through the years you are also ready to take the next steps in your journey. As believers in our Creator we know that the journey never ends. May God hold you in the palm of his hand until he wraps His loving arms around you. Much love and prayers. Yvonne
Nancy, you have been an inspiration to so many. Prayers for you and your family.
Mary Ann Scholl
Remembering you in my heart.
Mary Ann
Nancy, You have been such an inspiration to all of us for many years and I truly appreciate that. I hope now we can inspire you, our love, thoughts and prayers will be a constant stream coming your way. My belief is “If God brought you to it, he will bring you through it”. I will always remember your wonderful TV shows, books, special events. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Mary Yonker
Nancy, I was so sad to hear the news. Many years you have been an inspiration to me. Thank you for keeping me motivated with quilting and sewing. God Bless you and your family.
Rebecca Christie
I have been watching your program and following you as long as it’s been airing on PBS. I feel like a part of your family having known you for so many years. I will miss you, but you go and take care of yourself and be with your family. Thank you so much for all the inspiration and tips through out the years. I offer prayers and love to you and your family.
Barbara Wall
i know how u feel!! i wrote the curriculum & taught Home Economics for our Christian School!! My favorite was teaching the students to sew!! that was alway my favorite craft to do from a young child!! I WILL CERTAINLY MISS WATCHING U!! I HAD A STROKE & cerebral hemorrhage & WAS UNABLE TO be director of our day care or teach home ec. any more!! Thankful to say we had a teacher that took over!! I went in a couple years & helped with the sewing, but i’m not doing that any more-my husband had to take me because i can’t drive anymore!! praying the very best for u & ur family!!!
Dear Nancy,
Thank you for sharing your talent of sewing with all of us. Prayers for you and your family during this difficult time. As this chapter of ends, another chapter starts and will continue. Keep our eyes focused on Jesus as our final reward. God is Good.
Anna Braun
Sending you love and peace as you travel this road. I share the faith that will comfort and guide you.
Anna in IL
Nancy – You have been an inspiration and the warmth of you in the show and your spirit has been with me and my family for many years. As you go onto this next chapter in your life know that your memories are always with us in you love of sewing, quilting and so more more… love the tips and stories. Take Care and God Bless!
Bernadette Duty
Dear Nancy. I’m so so sad to learn of the news of your cancer. I will keep you in my prayers.
You have been my hero for many many years and the reason I get up on Sat.mornings. I’ve been a seamstress all my life but have learned so much from you.
God bless you and your family. My heart is breaking for you.
Bernie Duty
Terri Rundlett
Dear Nancy,
My eyes are full of tears..I can’t hardly type. I am so sorry to hear all of this. I have loved watching your show over the years and I treasure your books. I did get to see you in person in the early 90’s with two of my favorite sewing partners…my Mom, and friend Julia. They are both rejoicing in Heaven now because of God’s gift of Eternal life. Thank you for sharing your Faith. He is our Hope. I will pray for you and your family as the Lord lays you on my heart. See you Soon! Love, Terri Rundlett
Audrey Gordon
Thank you for sharing your knowledge of sewing with us. May God bless you and you family. There will be many praying for you.
Linda Williams
Dear Nancy,
I have enjoyed watching your TV show for many years. Please know that you will be missed on TV and in our lives. I love your quote from Proverbs and use it often in my faith journey. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. May God bless you.
Linda Williams
Jo Peterson
You are a beautiful, talented person, Nancy, and you have brought many hours of fun and education to me through your TV show. I have sewn my whole life, but you have taught me so much!
May our Father in Heaven smile down at you as you have given of yourself to others. God bless you through your life journey with Him by your side.
Mona from NC
I pray for strength for you and your family in the coming times…hold fast to your faith..sending hugs and healing karma your way.
Nancy Miller
Sorry to here Will miss you and you are in my prays every night
Barbara Hall
I am in awe of your creative abilities, and I thank you for the hours of instruction I have received from you over the years. I am equally in awe of your steadfast faith and grace as you face this challenge. May God bless you, your family, your friends, and your millions of viewers and fans as they will miss you greatly.
Denise Bird
Dear Nancy, Thank you very much for the years you have shared your knowledge. I learned so many things.
May the Lord help you and your loved ones through this time.
I will miss you.
Clair Esco
You have been such an inspiration for me. I have learned to sew and quilt watching you on PBS. I had breast cancer in 2014 and if I hadn’t had my sewing and quilting I don’t know how I would have made it. I have tears for you and I wish there was something I could do. I have enjoyed your shows. Thank you and I will be praying for you and your family.
Marilyn Marusa
Dear Nancy,
When my son was young I didn’t have any time to really sew. My sewing machine was put away. My Saturday mornings with you were such a wonderful time. You kept sewing in my heart. Thank you so much for bringing inspiration to all of us. Thank you for posting a message about your faith.
Dear Nancy, this is not the news anyone wants to hear. You are such a brave and understanding person. The fact that you will be missed is an understatement. For many years I watched your show and learned new ways to do things even though some of my projects didn’t turn out like I would have liked. But you always gave me hope that one day, with practice, I would improve. May your family and your faith continue to give you strength in the days to come.
LaDawn Gregersen Fadely
As a seamstress myself, you inspire me. I will reach out to teach anyone who has an interest to learn how to sew. Bless you for sharing your gift and leaving behind your wonderful sewing legacy!! God bless you and your family at this difficult time. You are loved and appreciated by many and our thoughts and prayers go out for you. Thank you so much.
Charlie White
I wanted you to know how much I enjoyed working with you and how sorry I am to hear about your illness and retirement. I’ll never forget when my daughter was born 24 years ago, and you sewed her a cute little outfit. It was just one the many loving acts of kindness I experienced every time I saw you. Thank you for the warm memories, and for being a wonderful part of my life for too short of a time. I wish you well, dear Nancy.
mary e. hulick
Nancy wishing you the best and for a full recovery hoping that you and your family get threw this with all our best wishes
Mary e Hulick
Dear Nancy, I feel as if I’ve known you personally for years and this breaks my heart as tears run freely. Watching your show has been the highlight of my Saturday mornings for as long as I can remember. You appear so young and healthy, and although it sounds as though you are at peace no matter what the outcome, I know God is the great healer…and it’s never too late for Him to perform a wonderful miracle in your life. I personally have been healed by Him several times. Don’t give up! Keep your eyes on Him, the author and finisher of your faith. May God bless you and your family for years to come, Love, Julie <3 <3 <3
I will keep you in my prayers. Thank you for all that you have done for the sewing community.
You have been such an inspiration to millions of seamstresses – whether new or old. I have watched and enjoyed many of your guests over the years. Thank YOU for all that you have given us. God IS good and His plan for you is to take you on another journey with great rewards. You are a blessing. Prayers for your future.
Deborah Andrews
As He is in this world, so are we. Jesus doesn’t have sickness and disease, so neither do we. I pray for healing complete in Jesus name.
Frances B
I have watched your shows off and on since the 80’s. You have finally given me the confidence to try making a quilt. I have always wanted to but never could get up the nerve to begin. I even purchased an embroidery machine (wish it could have been one like yours) after watching your shows. I look forward to Saturday mornings watching you teach us new techniques, embroidery, quilting, and on and on. You have been an inspiration to so many. May God wrap his loving arms around you and your family as you go on this next journey. Our hearts and prayers are with you and yours.
Debbie Rhodes
Words fail me You have been a part of my Friday afternoon forever blessings to you and those who love you.
Dear Nancy, I would make sure that every Saturday at 11 a.m. I would turn on the tv for public tv. I would watch and learn new sewing ideas. I now go to Sewing with Nancy for some quilting ideas. You have taught myself with some new techniques. I have always had trouble with binding,watching your videoes has helped me tremendously. My heart is heavy. Godspeed and God bless. I will be praying for you as i do for all people with this horrible disease
Dear Nancy,
Thank you for your wonderful shows. I grew up watching them and still watch them today. I have learned so much from you. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.
marsha burr
Nancy, thank you for the years of programming, sharing your talents and ideas with ladies all over the nation. My prayer is that you spend time with your family and close friends. Enjoy every day.
Barb Bilenki
Nancy ,you came into my life in 1986 and over the years you have been my sewing buddy. I own a sewing store and I always tell customers to check how Nancy does it . I will miss you . God bless .
L Falk
Oh Nancy, you will be so missed from the sewing scene. As a life long sewer, I have watched your shows for years (early 80s) and your online presence, enjoying watching your projects come to life. I am so sorry to hear about you returning cancer. While sad that you will not continue to create new sewing projects for us in the future, I am glad that you will spend your time making memories with your family. I am sure there will be special projects you create for them that they will cherish. We will miss you and you will not be forgotten to those of us who cherish you as a member of our sewing families.
Love Proverbs, so comforting. We are all truly blessed to have shared your creative gifts these oh so many years; thank you. God be with you and your family.
Carole coffman
I am so sorry to hear of your diagnosis I can only pray for you to have the strength and courage to push on. I have watched many of your tutorials and I thank you for that what an inspiration to many you have been. Take this time to enjoy your husband and family now and let them help to take care of you. Godspeed
Joyce Anderson
So sorry to hear of your latest challenge. Prayers to you and your family. You continue to be an inspiration to us all. You will be missed but my computer automatically goes to you when I have a sewing challenge. All the best to your staff as they are a loving reflection of you.
Chris Spitzer
Dearest Nancy….
You are resilient woman loaded with tons of talent …You have kept me company many a Saturday morning …And I want to personally thank you from the bottom of my heart for that
Through our Faith, as you well know, this is not the end of the journey only the path to a new one.May God wrap his arms around you and lead you gently into his presence
Anna Abbott
You are such an inspiration, Nancy. Praying for you and your family.
God’s Peace be with you
Sammie Tate
Dear dear Nancy,
I am jsut heart broken. I can hardly type loooking through my tears. Thank you for all your time and effort teaching all of us out here in TV/computer land. I have been a loyal fan for years. My heart and my prayers go to you.
Thank you again.
Sew long for now.
Lisa Brandenburg
Dear Nancy,
I am so sorry to hear that you are retiring under these circumstances. As a fellow grandma and cancer survivor (so far), I can’t begin to imagine how hard this is for you and your family. I just wanted you to know how grateful I am. Watching your show in the early years instilled a love of sewing in me. Your instructions were always easy to follow, letting a true novice feel such accomplishment!! I am not afraid to try anything now. Wishing you love, comfort and peace.
Although I have never met you, I feel as though we are good friends. I have watched you from the start in 1982 and have learned so much from you, not just sewing, but how to love, live life to the fullest, cherish friendships, and help those less fortunate. My grandkids have often picked watching your show over the standard kid shows because they ‘want to make neat stuff like Aunt Nancy’. We will all miss you, but you will never really be gone because you will live on in our hearts forever.
You have been an inspiration and role model ever since I discovered your program years ago. Even though we have never met, I feel like I know you, and I am sure that many others feel the same. Thank you for the knowledge you have shared. May your belief in our Lord continue to sustain you and your family.
You have always put on such a brave front for all the millions of viewers. I will keep the episodes I have on my DVR because you have taught me so much over the years. Thank you for brightening my Saturday mornings for years. Godspeed dear lady.
Nancy ,
I have truly admired and appreciated your professional and practical approaches to sewing while addressing the sewer as a real person with the need for giving, loving and self-forgiving when perfection doesn’t always happen. Prayers for love and strength to you and your family.
Brigitte Baierl
Dear Nancy,
I’m so sorry to read your post and learn what you are going through.
You have been an inspiration during all these years.
I hope you find medical help and strength to go your way.
L Zalma
Nancy, I am sorry to hear of your health battles. I will keep you in my prayers. Thank you for a wonderful TV series.
Darlene B
Blessings to you and your family, Nancy. I appreciate all the knowledge I gained from watching your show over the years. What a wonderful Bible verse to uphold you during this time. I will pray for you and your family.
Dear Nancy, you have been a sewing inspiration. You have taught me, inspired me both as a creator and as a business woman, and shared your grace behind the sewing machine and the camera to all of us. May God embrace you and your family as you journey this path.
alice findlay
Dear Nancy, Just wanted to say a thank you from the UK. I’ve learned a lot from you since starting quilting 7 years ago. I wish you peace and love for the days to come.
Candy Brown
Sad to hear. I have learned so much from you.
I know you have been faithful to the Lord. We know He is in charge.
Until we meet again, bye for now.
Candy Brown
Sammie Tate
Dear dear Nancy,
I can hardly type through my tears. I have been a fan for years. I ffel like you are my sewing buddy. Thank you for your many years of sharing your knowledge and yourself with us out here in TV/ comuter land. My heart and my prayers go to you and your family.
Sew long for now.
Rosalyn Schultze
Keep up the valiant fight! You are truly an amazing woman who has been part of my life (through your books, video tapes, cd’s and television) for many, many years. Through all the varied media you produced, your teaching will continue to guide and enrich the lives of so many newcomers to the sewing arts. I will miss you Nancy. Be good to yourself and may God bless you.
Pat West
Dear Nancy,
You have had a profound effect on my life through your programs. I so appreciate the comfortable, friendly, knowledgeable approach of your expert instruction. I LOVE to sew largely because of you and can only say THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!
One of my favorite verses of comfort: “The eternal God is your refuge and underneath are the everlasting arms…” Deuteronomy 33:27
Thank you for sharing your faith and your love of sewing for so many years. You will be creating beautiful things in Heaven for sure! Ex 28:3
Yvonne Kleinhans
Thank you for your beautiful gift that you have shared with all of us over all these years. It is so very special to feel the peace and love that you share with us now. You will always be with us in so many ways, expecialy in our hearts.
dear nancy…..there are no words to say thank you for all the years i have watched and learned from you. your kind and gentle manner while teaching us all to sew will be missed. i have learned so much from you … there just isn’t enough space here to express my appreciation. may GOD bless you and your family and know you are in my prayers. thank you from the bottom of my heart…… janet
Mabel Brooks
Please know that your are in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you for giving everyone the chance to let you know how much you have changed thier lives. Sewing bring people together and you have done that for so many. I don’t think of sewing without thinging of you. You was my only sewing friend growing up. No one in my family or friends cared about sewing that didn’t matter. I had you so I knew sewing was for me. I will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers. Your friend, Mabel
Thank you for the instruction you have given so many of us for so many years. Thank you for the encouraging tones and enthusiasm. Your gifts are many and long lasting. God bless you and your family.
Vivian K Oaks
Please know that you are loved and will be missed. Thank you for all you’ve taught me.
Janice Hobbs
Dear Friend, As you can see from everyone’s notes, we all think of you not only as our sewing instructor but as a dear friend. I have valued our relationship for an amazing number of years, in fact, I still have the binder of Sewing With Nancy Transcripts I ordered in 1985! Take care, be with your family but know we all wish you a comfortable as possible journey. God keep you in his arms. Thank you for being you!
Bonnie Shaul
Hope you are staying comfortable & not in very much pain. I have some of your books & DVDS & really learned & enjoyed using them. BE STRONG & POSITIVE!
Mary Mortland
This is sad news. You are an example of grace and caring in this situation. I have always admired you and now even more so. May God take care of you and your family.
Nadalynn C
Thank you, Nancy, for enjoyable Saturday mornings looking forward to your show! I learned so much. My prayers are with you and your family.
Susan Vincenzes
Thank you Nancy for inspiring me and countless others over the past many years. You and your family will be in my prayers.
Diane B
God bless you and your loved ones! You are truly a legend in to sewing community!
So sorry to hear of your illness. You have been an inspiration to the sewing world on PBS, through your on line stores, catalogues and the Quilting Expo. Sending thoughts of love and peace to you and your family as you make this final journey.
Kathy Boice
I am so sorry for your illness. I lost my son in January of this year to a 25 yr. Battle with brain cancer. I will dearly miss your insight, talents and dedication to sewing. You have inspired us all. It lightened my heart when you wrote the scripture. Knowing you will be okay in the arms of Jesus helps the transition. When my son was on his last week of hospice, he was alittle concerned about leaving. I told him he was so loved here and we were blessed to still have him here, but that he had the best of both worlds. Here he has family, friends, and love. Crossing over to Heaven, he would see his family that is already there and they would be so happy to see him! I told him I would never ever forget him. It seemed to help him and he passed peacefully. You too, are so loved here. You have the best of both worlds, and you will never be forgotten here! Thank you for all you have given us.we will meet again in Heaven! Rest peacefully and enjoy Heaven.
Lisa Toth
Oh I am so sorry. I had no idea you were dealing with such an issue.
I remember knowing about you and your contributions to those of us who sew.
Please know that we love you and will keep you in our hearts.
Mildred Fatterusso
Can hardly type this through the tears. Good bless you and your family. Sending you a card. am so glad you and your crew have put out such nice shows.
Pam d.
Dearest Nancy,
Words cannot express how much you will be missed. Thank you for all you have done for our sewing industry, and paving the way for sewing teachers throughout the world. You have truly made a difference in millions of lives. . . your good works will live on through all of us. . . and we’ll see you in the big sewing room on the other side! Hugs & Stitches, Pam
Nancy, I have your Sewing with Nancy Big Book. This year is my first time at Quilt Expo. Even though we have never met in person, I feel I have known you for years. I’m glad to hear that your life is secured in the loving arms of Jesus. I will rejoice when the Lord calls you home. I know that it will be a sad time here on Earth, but there is rejoicing in Heaven. We will meet someday when the Lord calls me. Rest in His arms. You are Loved.
Laura Tilling
As a breast cancer survivor, I truly understand the depth of emotions that you are feeling. The first time you are told you have cancer, your world changes forever. The very word, cancer, is lonely and cuts you off. Bless you.
Karen Schmitt
My heart is breaking as I read your good-by. I prayer that you are at peace and I am sure you will face this next chapter with grace and determination. You will be missed so! Prayers and hugs
Theresa Schlaak
Dear Nancy
May your faith continue to be your ‘guiding light’ as you travel through this ‘unchartered path’. YOUR phenomenal sewing expertise & unbelievable teaching capacity have been MY ‘guiding light’ in my many sewing endeavors. I want you to know what a PLEASURE it has been to be your ‘student’; to shake your hand @ several ‘NANCY”S EXPOS and NOW, to say ‘Good bye’ …Until “NEXT TIME”
Melinda Engler Juarez
Nancy…No one ever talks about what symptoms they had when they got diagnosed. It scares me to hear of stories like yours. Would you consider sharing the symptoms so that others might recognize and seek help themselves if need be. I know it is very personal but it may save someone. Im sorry you are going through this and admire your bravery.
Michelle Gary
Dearest Nancy,
I have been watching and learning with you since forever.
Just this past Thursday I was watching the quilting episode with the beautiful reds.
I applaud you and your decision and though my heart is heavy, my Thursday PBS Sewing with Nancy will go on.
Blessings in your retirement!
Breast Cancer Survivor ’88
Thank you Nancy. xx
Dear Nancy, Thank you for all you have given your loyal followers. May we cont. on and teach younger persons to sew and keep the art alive. God bless you and your family and hold each one of you in his hands and bring comfort and peace at this time. Enjoy each hour of every day that you are given. Prayers to you, Marcia
Debbie Moore
Thank you for sharing your story. Thank you for your knowledge, your dedication and traveling so that we could meet you and feel that we “knew” you. You have given us so much.
What we can give you back is our prayers not only for you but for your family. May God give you a peace, comfort and precious days with those you love. “For I know the plans I have for you….”
Vicki in MN
Nancy~I am so sorry to hear about more struggles for you. I have so enjoyed your shows over the years and I love Expo. We all have learned so much from you, thank you for all you have done for us. My thoughts are with you and your family.
Dear Nancy. Thank you for the beautiful letter and all your hard work over the years. I have enjoyed every moment that I spent with you. You will be in my prayers gracious lady.
Debbie Littlejohn
Nancy, I have grown up with you and my love for sewing has been with you throughout time, for which I am deeply grateful. What a legacy you have to cherish!
You have our love, our prayers and our admiration. Godspeed on the rest of this journey called life! We don’t know what tomorrow brings, but we know WHO holds our tomorrow! This storm, too, shall pass. God bless you and your family today and always! Which much love and prayers, we all say “Bye for Now”…but we will see you in Paradise! Love always and forever, Debbie
Titia Tebben
Dear Nancy,
Thank you so much for your encouraging way you thought us how to sew. I learned a lot of it.
I wish you a lot of love, strength and courage for the coming time.
All the best from Titia Tebben
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Thoughts & prayers are with you and your family as you work through this latest journey. May God be with you.
What to do now?? I have grown old watching Nancy, reading Nancy, sewing with Nancy, and just visiting with Nancy for the last 40 years. I thank you for your help, your ideas, and most of all your inspiration over all those years. Thank God I’ve recorded, downloaded or copied so many of your messages and programs. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Sandra Cunningham
As I read your message with tears in my eyes I am comforted and encouraged by your commitment to the faith. Even in the midst of facing the end of life on earth you are handling it with grace. That speaks volumes of who you are in Christ. I have enjoyed watching your show Sewing With Nancy and thank you for sharing your gifts and abilities. I pray that our Heavenly Father wrap you in His arms of grace and grant peace and comfort to your family and friends during this time.
So sorry. Prayers for you and your family.
Nancy, you were such an Inspiration to me when I started sewing. I have made many if your projects and learned so many iof your sewing tips. I always enjoyed the last part of the show when you had a guest on and it usually was someone donating their talent and time for a better cause. One of my first quilts was donated to children with cancer. You taught me to share our love if sewing with others. Prayers out to you, your staff, and family. My heart is aching.
You have been my sewing idol and inspiration for many years. You truly have made a difference in sew many ways! Meeting you earlier this year was an honor. Blessings and prayers to you and your family.
Nancy, Thank you for all you have done for all of us in the Sewing World! We appreciate the time, joy, and love you have put into all of the programs for us! Thoughts and Prayers will be with you and your family throughout your journey! You will be missed and I hope also that the continuation of your programs and store are in order! Thank you and Take Care!
Prayers and hugs for you and your family. I have learned a lot from you thru your Sewing with Nancy. God speed to you. You are truly remarkable and have impacted me, a seasoned seamstress. Blessings.
Betsey Kuzia
Dear Nancy,
I am so sorry to hear your news. You were such a support to me when I wrote to you 24 years ago when I was looking for information on chemo caps for myself after my own diagnosis of breast cancer. I met you the following spring at the ASG conference in San Francisco and have a picture of us somewhere. A fond memory! Thank you for all that you have offered to us and hold onto your faith. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
With love,
Lindee Hopkins
Dearest Nancy, I am heartbroken to hear of your cancer return! I am so sorry. I am a 2x cancer survivor & my husband was miraculously healed of melanoma cancer. We will pray for you & ypur family….may you all know,His peace, comfort and love. You are such a gift to us all. In Him, Lindee
I am sorry to hear about all your health issues. You have inspired so many people. Myself included. You must now out your family first. Cherish your time with them. Your legacy will go for many years. It is time for you to say goodbye to us. You will be missed. Thank you so much for giving me the strength to go out side my comfort zone.
Burtine Kendall
May God grant you safe travel on this your last journey.
Judy Beebe
This news just breaks my heart. Both you and your show have graced our lives for many years and we have learned so much from you. Oh, how you will be missed.
Nancy, What a wonderful gift you’ve given us!
And I do share your beliefs. Last year my mom was ready to leave us. My brothers felt that maybe we should tell her it’s okay but they couldn’t do it so it fell to me. I spent hours kneeling by her bed, holding her hand and talking with her. There were a few moments we shared when she was lucid. The one that made things so much easier for me was when I asked her, “Do you know that God has an amazing spot picked out for you in heaven?” The look of pure joy and love that crossed her face as she whispered to me, “Yes, I do” made me realize that her time was over here but she was going to a place that would fill her with joy.
My prayers to you and your family.
You have brought so many wonderful things to our lives. You’ve given us the view that “yes, I can do that”. When you take us through the beautiful projects, you remove some of the mystery and scary parts by giving us insight. Thank you for your many years of teaching us how. I know that, when your time comes, if someone should ask you that same question, you, too, will have that look of sheer joy and knowledge that there is an amazing place waiting for you.
Debbie Littlejohn
Nancy, I have grown up with you and my love for sewing has been with you throughout time, for which I am deeply grateful. What a legacy you have to cherish!
You have our love, our prayers and our admiration. Godspeed on the rest of this journey called life! We don’t know what tomorrow brings, but we know WHO holds our tomorrow! This storm, too, shall pass.
God bless you and your family today and always! Which much love and prayers, we all say “Bye for Now”…but we will see you in Paradise!
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you…plans to give you hope and a future!
Love always and forever, Debbie
Elaine West
Dear Nancy, I am thankful that the Lord put you into my life so many years ago. I was discouraged and you got me back into one of my earlier loves–sewing. I still have your early VHS recordings (and yes we still have a machine that shows both). From there I got into quilting and I count it a blessing that I have been able to give hundreds of quilts to the newlywed, babies, sick etc. My prayers go with you. God is our Refuge, a very present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear…PS. 46 and Ps. 121 “I will lift up mine eyes until the hills. From where comes my help? My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth.” Thank you for sharing your faith as you prepare to go to be with the Lord in eternity.
May you find blessed peace and comfort spending time with friends and family. Be thankful for your faith in God as it will sustain you in your journey. Love & blessings
Mary Grother
Nancy I have to give you a lot of credit for getting me into sewing. I watched your shows and it would get me so excited to try to do the projects. Thanks to you I did a lot of sewing for my son and daughter when they were growing up. You are truly a very good inspiration to the sewing world. Thank you so much and I will truly miss seeing you on TV. I always sit down from what ever I was doing and watched you on Sunday. Thank you
Joan S
Thank you for sharing this deeply personal farewell. Your courage, faith and devotion are touching and inspiring. You have been a part of my sewing and quilting life for many years and I am grateful for all you’ve taught me. Peace to you and your family.
Beverly Allamon
Nancy I have inquired from your shows many times for…how to…skills for a project. Thank you for providing invaluable resources for all who endever to attempt our craft. You will be missed.
God is…able….and will give you the courage and strength for what is ahead of you.
Thank you!!
Blessings to you and your family. Your entire life has been fraught with challenges and you have climbed every hill. You are a person whose life can be copied because you have climbed each hill with grace and faith. You will be missed by all of us, love and faith to you and your family.
Christine Williams
I’ve learned so much from you in these many years. Sharing your sewing knowledge has been a gift to us all, and a blessing to the sewing community. You have been a shining example of living a generous, loving life. Blessings to you and your family and prayers for your challenging journey ahead. God’s love and care be with you.
Dear Nancy,
I am in tears as I read this. I remember watching mu first “Sewing with Namcy”. I taped them so I could watch them after the children were in bed. Sometimes it might be 1:00 but I had to see them. Then 28 years ago I started coming to Sewing Weekend. I was in awe when I met you. You have been my inspiration for over 30 years. My prayers are with you and your family. My God put His arms around you as you go through phase of your life He has given you. He will be with you eveey step of the way.
Susan Costello
Thank you for your HEART ❤❤❤❤❤
Thank you for all the years you have taught me so many things.
May God streghten and sustain you wirh His presence and peace. You have given so much of yourself to so many of us, may God reward you back for all of your giving. Love and prayers to you and your family.
Susan Costello, Mississippi
Irma may
So sad to hear Nancy! Been watching since the beginning! Only God knows what he has
In store for You and all of us! You have been
A great blessing to all of us! Wonderful teachings on what we are able accomplish!
Where ever you are in your life you will be in our hearts with love and blessings to you and your family! May the lord continue to comfort
And heal you! Giod bless you! Irma May
Mary W
You have been an inspiration to me and so many others throughout the years. Your ideas, teaching, and excitement are encouragement to me to continue sewing and quilting on the years to come. Thank you for all you have given us over the years. You shall be greatly missed in this ever changing world where quilting is still a constant. This is not good bye. Through our faith we know that we shall meet in Heaven. God is so good and He loves us more than we shall ever know on this Earth. I pray for you and your family and friends. It shall be glorious to see your heavenly quilts.
Sharon Dunlap
This is such a shock. I have watched your shows since the very beginning, and have several of your books. You have always been such an inspiration to so many, you will be greatly missed. Thank you!! May your faith give you comfort at this time.
Rita Hewitt
Dearest Nancy,
Thank you so very much for sharing your gifts with us through the years. Your lessons of the craft will live with us and be passed on to many generations to come. Most importantly your gifts of perserverence , confidence, self forgiveness, that sharing with others is most often a bigger blessing to us than to them, smiling through adversity, the show must go on, everything might not turn out perfect or even the way you wanted it to but it will all be good in the end, to laugh at yourself, patience, to love others and ourselves right where we are and not where we could be, to find the silver lining, that you can show the Love of Christ boldly to anyone, thank you for your smile and you patience. You have taught us so much more than you know!
My prayer for you as you travel this path chosen especially for you, that God will continue to lift you up, give you strength, courage and His peace, hold you tightly through it all and when need be, that there is only one set of foot prints in the sand. God Speed my Sister!
You’re “THE BOOK” when it comes to sewing creativity, and have inspired me so much and in so many ways over the years….thank you.
Dearest Nancy,
Our friend, our mentor, our teacher. You are the embodiment of all a lady can be – strong, faithful, kind, and loving. You have been part of my life since the very beginning of your career and you have taught and influenced me in so many ways, as I am sure you have millions of others. Meeting you at Sew Worth It in Sarasota, as well as having my picture taken with you (which is displayed prominently in my sewing room) was the joy of my sewing journey.
Please know you, your family and your career family are in our prayers. How blessed we are to have faith in God for He gives us our strength. Cancer is an insidious disease and as a 10-year survivor, I still am frightened at every blood test, scan, appointment – frightened it will rear one of its ugly heads.
As you look forward to your heavenly journey, how heavy your human heart must feel. Yet, rejoice in your singular legacy of exceeding joy in all you accomplished. We know God shall welcome you with open, loving arms, “Well done, my good and faithful daughter.” But our hearts are crying knowing how difficult this has been for you, dear sister in Christ, dear friend, dear teacher.
Till we meet again for yet another sewing, quilting, embroidery, serging class in the quilt of Heaven, may the angels guide you gently. Our prayers are with you, Nancy. With deepest love and admiration.
Linda Hord
You have been such an inspiration to a lot of people during your career. You have shared your knowledge and talents with a large amount of people using your tv show. Thank you for all you have done for the sewing and quilting world. Our prayers are with you and your family as you continue with the journey God has planned for you.
I feel like I am losing a part of my family and I am sure many feel the same. You have been a part of my life since I first found you on TV. You are truly an inspiration not only for sewing, quilting and machine embroidery but for aspiring to be a better person.
Praying for you Nancy. May you find God’s peace that passes all understanding as you trust in Him. (My favorite verse ). I know it can be hard sometimes but as you rest in Him He will give you peace.
Helen Hougland
Nancy Zieman – my mentor, my teacher, my inspiration. After reading this post I was overwhelmed with sadness. I am only one of thousands that want to express how much you have meant to me in a surprising number of ways, not just teaching me to sew. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your very hard work and your unbelievable focus. I could write a book on what you have meant to me and what I have learned from you through the years. My hope is that you will find comfort and peace in knowing how much you are loved for all you are and all you have done.
Rita Myers
Nancy, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I thank you for all the years of showing me how to sew and improve with all your tips! Take care!!! Rita Myers
Sue Meise
Thank you Nancy for so many years of helping all of us quilters. As a Special teacher, you are still teaching all of us. As you face this, another lesson for all of us, may you be strong.Thank you also for sharing your FAITH. I know with prayers, many things are possible.May God bless you on this , one of many journeys in your life.God bless.
Phyllis Swanson
Nancy, I join others in thanking you for your kind teaching and also letting us know about your diagnoses. It took courage and I applaud you. Prayers for you and God’s blessing as you continue your journey.
Kathy Binfet
It is with a very sad heart that we (Jerry and I) have read this news. Back in 2015, when it was first released we had every faith and hope that you would overcome this, as you have so many other things in your life, with grace and humor.
You are truly an icon and an inspiration Nancy, in so many ways, not just for your Sewing with Nancy series which helped so many to reach new levels in sewing, but also for your calm and gracious approach in the way you have run your business over the years.
I have every belief that you will continue your life with grace and kindness and we pray the He is with you now.
You are in our prayers Nancy.
Janet Bujalski
Oh what to say! My thoughts and prayers for you and your family.
And then for the wonderful people you work with. I visited Beaver Dam with a friend taking a class and meeting you. I watch your show on Saturday with my husband and have been to several Quilt Expos with friends. That wonderful smile. Take care and God bless.
Leigh Barbara
Dear Nancy, thank you, thank you for the years of teaching and inspiration. When I look around my sewing room I see the bins that I have made, the over 20 books and DVDs, templates, purse supplies and material that have made my sewing such a joy over the years – all from you.
Thank you for sharing your faith and your struggles that have been such inspirational examples for so many of us. No one has an expiration date … so leaving all in God’s hands I wish you well. I wish you peace and contentment. I wish returned to you all of the good that you have shared with others.
Nancy Knight
Dear Nancy, I have watched you for so many years. You have been my sewing buddy. I have learned so much from you. My prayers and love to you and your family. You will be missed.
Bonnie Fong
Dear Nancy,
You have been such an inspiration. I am in tears at the news of your illness. I pray that God will spread his healing hand over you and give you healing, peace and comfort. I am a quilter and appreciate all your shows on quilting techniques.It has been said that giving someone a quilt is the same as giving them a hug every time they use it. I love the ‘Nancy’s Corner’ community service projects. My
church ladies group made many “Little Dresses for Africa”. God Bless You. Bye for Now…Bonnie
Janet Bujalski
Oh what to say! My thoughts and prayers for you and your family.
And then for the wonderful people you work with. I visited Beaver Dam with a friend taking a class and meeting you. I watch your show on Saturday with my husband and have been to several Quilt Expos with friends. That wonderful smile. Take care and God bless.
Marilyn Barbeck
Thank you for the years of sewing instruction and inspiration. As I was watching “Sewing With Nancy” this morning, I found myself wondering how you are doing and hoping for the best. I was devastated to open your email a few minutes later.
Please know you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
You have been a favorite of mine for many years, and we all thank you for sharing your talent and inspiration with us! The Lord will see you through this, and no matter what happens, you are in His hands. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Jan C
I’m just so devastated to find out about your diagnosis. You’ve been an inspiration to me and many, many others for years. I’m praying for you and your family. Love, Jan ❤️
Jamie Kimbrough
Dear Nancy – i am saddened to hear of the diagnosis and reason for your retiring. You have made such a wonderful contribution over the years teaching thousands of people the joy of sewing and engaging their creative self. I share your faith and know His Love sustains us through all things. I pray for your comfort and His peace – and, yes, for miracles, too. Your sister in Him, Jamie
sue mcmillen
Praying for you!
You have given of yourself and talent so generously, to so many people. Now is the time to cherish moments with your family.
God Bless
Shelly Kiker
I grew up watching you on TV with my sweet departed Grandmother and still enjoy watching you (mostly on Utube nowadays). My 10 year old Granddaughter is now sewing. We will continue to watch. I thank the Lord that you are in our Heavenly Father’s hands. I will dearly miss you.
Beverly Shepard
Dear Nancy
I am so sorry about the reason you are retiring. You will be sorely missed. I wish you peace during this trying time. You and your family are in my prayers.
Trish McCutchan
Dear Nancy,
I have learned so much from you over the years. You are the epitome of a classy lady. Thank you for sharing all your knowledge with us on Sewing With Nancy.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
God be with you always. We all love you very much.
Aisha Johnson
Nancy, I’m going to miss you and I thank you for the years and passion you’ve dedicated towards educating us all on getting the most from our sewing. My prayers go out to you for your continued strength and peace as you and your family move forward together.
Laura Melvin
Dear Nancy,
I read your goodbye with tears streaming down my face. You have become such an important force in my life. Since reading your book I have felt even closer to you than ever before.
Your courage, faith and kindness has been as much an inspiration as your teaching has been to me. I hope to have such a strong hold as I go through my journey. God chose you to teach us many, many things, sewing yes, but also to hold strong to our faith and know that He is with us every step of the way.
Thank you, dear friend, for all that you have done to make our lives and our world a better place to be.
Sending love and prayers to you and your family. I wish you a long life but I know that when you do arrive in His kingdom He will tell you “Job well done My child, you have honored Me well.”
Silvia Herrera Lopez
You taught me much about sewing and giving to others just like my mother and grandmother. Now you are teaching us so much about life and faith. You are a great teacher! God has blessed you and you acknowledge it. My prayers are with you.
Cathy McCarthy
Such sad news! Prayers are with you! You gave us an amazing amount of information over the years. Thank you so much. You will be long remembered for your sewing endeavors!
I have twice read one of my top three favorite books this year due to too dear loved one losses. The “The Pilgrim’s Progress,” features a man named Christian and toward the end of his story, he is crossing the river toward the Celestial City . It’s beautiful and full of hope for what is to come. May your time with family and friends be sweet and the legacy of your passion to teach and your love of family and faith be long. Thank you for everything.
Jane E H
Nancy, I am so sorry as to what you are going through. You are a very strong person. I have been following you since 1982 and have learned a lot from Sewing With Nancy. I am so thankful for the many lessons and ideas you have shared with us. I/your viewers will miss you very much, but we do have videos which I view often online. When I have a sewing problem, I run to you. Positive thoughts and prayers for you and your family Thank you and love you.
Cindy Pederson
Dear Nancy, Since I, too, graduated from Stout (four years before you), I have always felt a close bond with you. Like so many others, you have inspired and encouraged me. After reading your book a couple years ago, I visited with you during your May Sewing Weekend to ask your advice on dealing with pain. A drunken driver hit an electric pole and the live electric lines fell on our grandson and electricuted him. By God’s grace he lived through this but was in pain and you listened with compassion and gave me some suggestions which helped. I am happy to have this opportunity to tell you “Thank you!”
I cried as I read your letter and my heart goes out to you and your family. May God wrap His loving arms around you and give you strength once again as He has in the past. Heaven is being bombarded with prayers on your behalf as so many have said before me and God is listening.
Thank you for doing 15 more episodes for us of your wonderful program, especially for the last episode where we will meet your granddaughters and get some tips on sewing with them. You are one fantastic person. God bless you.
Lisa Toth
I am so sorry to hear of your health issues. I have watched your shows for a long time and purchase from Nancy’s Notions often.
I wish you and your family well. I know what you are going through.
Nancy, so sorry to hear your sad news! I enjoy your shows and watch them faithfully! We lean so much from you.Time to take care of you ! Positive thought are going your way ‘ take Care ‘ thanks for all the great experiences
carole c
This is terrible news for so many of us but I know your faith will sustain through the coming months. I always go to your videos for help when needed, now I will lean on my faith to help you and your family through your coming trials.
Peace be with you as we all thank you for all you have done for us. You will be in our hearts and thoughts for many years as we happily sew for our loved ones and friends.
So much talent, generosity, and knowledge will be sorely missed.
Dear Nancy,
Your loss is our loss. You have been the one consistency in my life for over 30 years… thank you for sharing your wisdom and creativity. I am a better sewer because of you.
God Bless, and Godspeed
Jane Raymond
Dear Nancy, Thank you for all you have so generously given to us through the years. I have deeply appreciated your generosity. My prayers are with you and your family. You have touched so many of our lives. God Bless, Jane
Thank you, Nancy, for sharing your time, knowledge and friendship with all of us. I’ve been watching you for many, many years. I remember receiving your little catalog when you first started out!!!! (just a few years ago!) I had the pleasure of meeting you in Alabama when I was there for some quilting classes. You have enriched my life and I’m so thankful that you chose to share with others. I’ll continue to pray for you and your family. See you on the other side!!!!!!!
Hilda Hignojos
Thank you so very much for all the years of your hard work and dedication. I’ve enjoyed watching your show in Texas for so many years. Num 6:24
Virginia F Gallegos
Sweet Nancy you have always been an inspiration to me. My mom taught me to sew and she would never miss watching you on TV. I bought a kit from your catalog to learn how to quilt, which has always been a goal for me. You make everything look easy. Yes I am a believer and Proverbs 3:5-6 is one of my favorite scriptures. May God Bless You and Heal your body in Jesus Name
shirley grade
I will miss you. hope your not in any pain.
love you
Glenda johnstone
Dearest Nancy,
With tears I read your note. With comfort I read of your faith in our Lord. I pray for peace of mind and heart. John 14:27.
Such a gracious lady you are. Such a joy you have been in my life.
I will pray for you.
Maria B
Dear Nancy,
Thank you for taking the time to write this personal note and goodbye. I am saddened by all you are going through, and you will certainly be missed and mourned by me and all your sewing friends. May you know the Lord’s nearness and comfort during this part of your journey. Goodbye Nancy. Until we meet again.
Nancy, thank you for all you have done for the sewing/quilting community. I wish you only the best in whatever God has planned for you.
Viewer in S. Dakota
Dear Nancy,
I’m sorry to hear of your condition. I feel like a family member
is dieing. I’ve been watching your show almost from the
beginning. I still have recorded shows on VHS.
You taught me a lot & I thank you.
God bless you. May you rest in peace.
Victoria Goedel
I have watched you every Saturday morning I had available for many years. You will be missed by us, but so much more by your family. God bless you, victoira goedel
Nancy, my heart is with you. Praying for you.
Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and skill, you are such an inspiration. Your charity footprint has help so many and inspired others to give.
Enjoy your retirement. I will pray for you and your family.
Hilda Robbins
My heart goes out to you for such a strong lady. Over the years
I have followed your shows and learned alot. My prayers and thought are with you & you family. You have so many friends
praying for you God is Good.
With much love
You will be in my prayers.
Maria Nevarez
Prayers and blessings to you. Thank you for sharing and all the many years that have brought a smile to many. Xoxo
The Lord bless thee. The Lord keep thee,
Make His face to shine upon thee. And be gracious unto thee.
The Lord lift up His countenance, upon thee, and give thee peace.
I am sorry to hear that God id calling you back so early in life. You have been the most inspirational person to me. You make difficult garment sewing seem manageable and kept me interesting in the craft. I am still learning, but have learned the most from you. You don’t realize hove many souls you have touched. Bless you.
Dear Nancy, I cannot express my sorrow that the cancer has returned or how much I will miss your shows and you. You are both family and friend, even though we have never met, and everything I know about sewing, I learned from you. But you are so much more – you exemplify grace, poise, professionalism and love. I hope you truly enjoy your retirement. I will miss you more than words can say.
I was inspired by all of your shows that i watched for many years – thank you for them and for giving of yourself and your talents. I will see you in heaven and thank you in person. God bless you and I know it is hard now but what a joyful reunion with Jesus you will have. I have no doubt that when you are in his presence you will hear him say “WELL DONE MY GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT”
God bless
Dear Nancy,
Like everyone else I am so saddened by your news. I don’t know what we all are going to do without you. I pray that you have peace in your journey and I pray for your family as well. Really not much more anyone can say but God Bless You!
You WILL be missed.
Jane Cummins
This is a shock to me because I seem to have missed your illness. I have enjoyed your shows through the years and I have been so glad that you have had those wonderful interviews with people doing all kinds of things at the end of your shows.
I want you to know that your faith showed through even though you didn’t preach it. As hard a journey as this is praise God He is with you and the prayers of so many people go with you.
You will be missed and I’m not surprised you have new programs coming up. Thank you, Nancy.
Cherry B.
I too sat here with tears flowing. You have provided me with many years of ideas, projects and inspiration both professionally and personally.
The absolute love and passion you have for your profession and given as part of these ideas and projects was shown in each and every episode. I applaud your demeanor and your bravery. You are to be commended for being such a strong force in so many lives.
Know you are in our thoughts and prayers as well as your family.
God Bless, Cherry B.
Jennifer Mowrer
Thank you for Teaching me so many things over the years. I remember watching your show growing up along side my mom who sews. I learned so much without realizing I was learning how to sew. Without too many formal lessons from my mom, the day I decided I was ready to actually give sewing by machine a test drive I was able to just do it. Love to quilt and my first item would be an appliqué quilt for my 1 yo daughter. Thank you for allowing us to be apart of your extended family of sorts for all of these years. You will be greatly missed. Prayers to you and prayers to your family now and the coming years that follow.
Marie Eastwood
I remember when your show first aired in 1979. I loved watching for the little tips you would share with your viewers. My prayers are with you and your husband and family. Keep your eyes on the Lord.
I’m sad for you and your family. know that there will never be another sewing with Nancy, sewing is becoming a lost art. You will be missed.
Gina Strong
You have been a familiar and constant presence in my life from a teenager, to middle age. You steady guidance has taken me from projects such as doll clothes, a wedding dress, baby clothes, to a quilt for my children heading to college.
My heart is full of sadness as I read your printed farewell, and cry as I say goodbye to you. I send my heartfelt prayers and hugs for you and your family. In the coming months, may you be surrounded with love and happiness…as you soldier on through this diagnosis, and may you find peace and comfort as you go forth to dwell with the Lord.
Godspeed Nancy.
Gina Strong xx
Peace be with you and your family and friends.
Thank you for sharing your talent, creativity, humor, and strength through the many years of your career. Thank you for writing the book about your life. Thank you for the innovative notions you created for us sewers and quilters.
As others have said in previous comments, I hold back tears of sadness to hear that you have been struggling with cancer these last few years and that it is forcing you to retire. My prayers and kind thoughts go out to you, your family, and loved ones. You are an incredibly talented woman.
Bonnie DeKay
Dear Nancy…..You are loved by so many friends!!!!!! Reading these comments to you…you are so special to do many people!!!! I’ve enjoyed your TV show and Notions catalog for many years! You have passed on lots of knowledge to do many of your followers and your legacy will love on forever!!!!!! Hold on to your Faith!!! God will take good care of you!!! Hugs to you and your family…..
Barbara Mikaluk
My Dear Friend Nancy,
We have never met, but I feel I know to you personally. Thank you
from the bottom of my heart for devoting so much of your time to
showing me and millions of others how to sew and caring for others
less fortunate than us.
May you and your family find comfort in knowing that you are truly loved by so many. You will be in my Prayers and thoughts.
Peace be with you, and your family and friends.
Kris Woestman
So sorry to read this sad news, Nancy. You have shared your knowledge with so many, and we will continue to share it with others.
Cherish your time with friends and family.
God’s peace to you and yours.
April Swinehart
Nancy, I have learned to sew thanks to you. I use your techniques to continue to share the love of sewing to 4-H members in Ohio. When we err, we unsew. I tell them even the best make mistakes. Your passion to create, to try new ideas and have well fitting garments is unequal. I have MS, you are my hero. I remember from you book the challenges you faced to build your business. I have learned to nonsewing products to help me sew. Nancy, God and only God knows you and the number of your days. May you continue to have great days. Thank you for helping the world learn to sew, to be creative and to be unique. God bless.
Dear Nancy
You have been such an inspiration to me throughout the years. I am a newcomer to sewing and it is because of your patient and tireless explaining of techniques and books that I actually began to sew quilts just a few years ago. I would watch and rewatch your Youtube videos and your shows on PBS to try to figure out what I was doing wrong and then learn the correct methods for putting together a quilt top and actually finishing the quilt. May God bless you on your journey. You and your family are in my prayers.
Susann Wurl
Thank you for inspiring me and countless other stitchers through the years. My heart goes out to you and yours.
Alicia Jobes
Dear Nancy,
I wanted to say thank you for all you have done for the needle art community. As a young girl without sewers in my family, I learned a great deal from you. You’ve always been such a wonderful teacher and I personally gained so much of my skills from watching you – thank you.
I wish you and your family all the best.
Kind regards,
Linda Dial
Thank you Nancy for all you have taught and given to so many. I hope the time you have is spent with enjoying your family and friends. You are an amazing woman!!! I have learned a lot from you and been inspired by your shows. Thank you so much….I wish I were able to give you lots of hugs….you are one of the friends I never go to meet in person. Prayers for you and your loved ones… I pray the Grace of God and His Mercy fill you to overflowing along with your family….In Jesus’ Name……
Thank you, Nancy for all your many talents and faith you have shared with so many. God works in mysterious ways. I know He will be with you and your family on this next step of your journey.
God will encircle you, and your family, with His love and bring you
Peace. Blessings.
Josie M
Nancy, You have been an inspiration to so many of us–regarding sewing, of course, but also by the way you live your life. I always looked forward to your segments on charity projects. May God bless you and your family. You will be in my prayers.
Patty Swatzell
Nancy, I have admired your talent and showing that a person with a disability could show people that life is how you live it. You have inspired so many people with your talents and I have learned so much from your shows and books. I am so sorry to hear of your cancer returning causing you to have to say goodbye. I know your time left should be with family and yet pray for God to give you a miracle! It is our faith that helps to face life day by day. I too have had Breast Cancer with many health issues but keep going. May God Bless you and thank you for all you have done to make quilting a part of so many lives. You will be missed.
Tricia Anderson
Nancy, you are a blessing, mentor and roll model to all of us who have met you, watched Sewing With Nancy or read your books. We will share your love of sewing, caring and respecting others and the creativity that you opened within us.
Thank you for being you!
Dear Nancy,
I will be praying that the Lord will continue to shower you with peace and confidence. Your faith is everything. This life is but a wisp of air for all of us whether we have 5 years or 95 years. I was on a similar journey only it was my daughter that was diagnosed. She was 31. She didn’t question, “Why me?” I was the one doing that. But the Lord was with us every single step of the way in a multitude of beautiful ways. Once we are all together again with the Lord, we will not grieve over the few seconds we missed on earth. I would not be able to function without this knowledge from my faith in Jesus Christ and the salvation He offers us. You have contributed so much to my life and thousands of others who love fabric in all it’s forms. I made some dresses for Little Dresses for Africa which you recommended. Thank you so much for making my life more interesting. We will all miss your work but I’m glad you have chosen to concentrate on your faith and family and God’s plan for your life. We serve a mighty God and we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength.
Much love and gratefulness to you Nancy,
This is very sad news, you will be greatly missed, you have changed and enriched so many lives over the years. May this next part of your journey be peaceful. Hold strong to your belief it will carry you through.
Anne L. Utterback
Dear Nancy,
I have been a faithful viewer of your show since 1982, before my daughter was born. She will turn 35 at the end of this month. You gave me the confidence to try things that I would never have attempted without your guidance and clear instructions. My husband was so impressed that he planned and took us on vacation to Beaver Dam to visit your store. We went on the tour and caught a glimpse of you working in your office. Wow!
May God give you and your family and friends strength, comfort, and peace in your new journey. My prayers are with you all.
Your friend,
Anne Utterback
Carol C.
Dear Nancy,
You have been an inspiration to so many people over the years. I have learned so much about all things sewing and quilting. Thank you for the wonderful service you have provided for so many years on public TV hence you will definitely be missed. God bless you on your life journey.
Carol C.
Judy W.
I’m so sorry to hear this news. You have always been an inspiration – and it’s amazing that you’ve done another series for us during this difficult time.
I know I’ll be joining hundreds – if not thousands – of others with prayers for you and your family.
Shari Fryrear
Dear Nancy
The pictures of your empty studio are very moving and sad to me. My heart breaks with such a loss for a friend I never met in person but one who has been in my home so many times as a guest. I can’t bear looking at the studio without you in it. It is such a loss for all of us who love you and your special talents. If you can not beat this horrible disease, I know the Lord will welcome you in heaven and keep you safe from all pain and earthly problems you have already suffered. You will be tucked softly in his arms forever more. That is what I will try to see when I see that empty studio, You safe and pain tree with our Lord. Love ya Nancy.
Nancy, not only do I purchase products but absolutely love your instructional books. God be with you during this time. Psalm 121.
Joan Caggianelli
Prayers and hugs for you sweet lady. God bless you always.
Sheila Wilton
God’s peace Nancy. You have made a difference in this world.
Jamie Willhite
Throughout the years you have been a dear friend in my sewing studio. You have shared joy and now sorrow like a true friend. You have been there as I recovered from my own cancer. Giving me encouragement with your sweet smile. Letting me know to not let go of hope, that I can do whatever I set my mind to. Through my divorce I could turn on your show and feel a friend in my home and I didn’t feel alone. As Bob Hope always said , “Thanks for the memories!” May you be blessed with this special time with your family and know you have done great “Thou good and faithful service.” God bless your journey!
Nancy, so sorry to hear this. I have enjoyed your show for several years. You will be in my prayers.
Dear Nancy,
You have been part of my life since 1985. I started watching your show then, with my ill father one of our times together… I was in 8th grade. Making clothes and crafting really never stuck but I have been quilting since 1988 and absolutely love it. Anyway I wanted to thank you for bringing me to the sewing machine as my mother as her mother before her crochets and that is not for me at all, it skipped a generation as my daughter prefers it to sewing… I wish you the best, and sorry it has come to this. Many, many thanks for all the wonderful years.
Mary Anne Barnes
Dear Nancy,
I heard earlier this week that you were retiring and then receiving your post today, my heart is so heavy. I have watched you forever on my local PBS Station. We had to move with job changes and you were my quilting friend that stayed constant in my life— from Ohio to Michigan to Florida to retirement back in Ohio again. I was so excited when I attended Martha Pullen Quilt Expo’s and I got to meet you in person several times and you were so warm and friendly and so very kind. Watching your shows, you have taught me so much through the years and persuaded me to try new techniques as well as new projects.
I know you don’t “know” me, but I feel like you are a treasured friend. I will continue to read your books and watch your shows and be inspired by you.
I have relied on my faith through the years as well and I am so glad you have a strong faith to travel with on this final journey to heaven. I pray you and your family will be surrounded with God’s Peace and Love.
You and your family and close friends will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Mary Anne Barnes
Marilyn Garcia
Nancy, You have changed the sewing experience for all of us and we are truly grateful. Thank you for the many years you have shared with us all those simpler, easier ways of doing things and giving inspiration with each episode you produced. May you find others who will bless you in your retirement as much as I have been blessed by your sharing.
Lisa Griffith
Nancy, You have been an inspiration for so many years and I have learned so much from you. I will miss seeing you, but know you are in my thoughts and prayers…God bless you and your family.
Mary Berube
Nancy, bless you for showing us how to do it right. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Dear Nancy, thank you for all you have shared with us over the years , I have enjoyed it so much and learned so much along the way . You have always been an inspiration to me .
. I will keep you in my prayers and I know your incredible faith will carry you through. God Bless .
My prayers go out to you and your family. You have been in my thoughts since your original diagnosis, and I had hoped as your shows continued that all was going to be well. You have been my sewing mentor and inspiration for many years, and I feel like you are a part of my family as well. Know that your life has been such a blessing to millions of people–not many can say that! You will be truly missed. Take care of yourself. Enjoy your family. We are all praying for you.
My thought are with you. Thank you for teaching so many people to sew. It is a joy.
Dear Nancy,
I am so saddened and upset with your news. You have always felt as close as a family member. My prayers are with you and your family. Thank you for sharing your talent and faith all these years. You regular closing statement expresses my sentiments…”Bye for now,”
Nancy, thank you for all your expertise and ideas for all these years. I am so sorry for all your struggles, and prayers for the very best for you, always. What an inspiration you have been to so many of us, and what an inspiration you are now. Enjoy each and every day. We will never forget you.
You and your family are in my prayers. Thank you for all you have done.
Nancy, your verse from Proverbs is also one of my favorites, and I’m so glad to know you are a true believer. At this point in your life, God is the Lifeline to cling to, and prayers for you and your family. I’ve enjoyed your shows for many years and will continue to watch as long as they’re on the air. I pray you may enjoy your remaining time with your family, and that you aren’t in pain, if possible. God bless you, my friend.
Nancy, I have learned so much about sewing from you over the years. As a “self-taught” sewer, you have been my teacher. You will continue to teach me, and so many others, through the gifts of your knowledge that you are leaving us in your books and videos. It’s an amazing legacy. Thank you. Thank you so much.
May God grant you peace and comfort through the coming days. My heart is with you and your family.
Thanks for all the years you gave us, now can you give me all your sewing room. Pretty please.
Dear Nancy,
You are in my thoughts and prayers along with all others who are thinking about. May you and your family have peace, strength and comfort during this time. You have gifted many of us generously with the talent you have shared and gratefully have our support.
Kathy Bohannon
God bless you, Nancy. Thank you for all the wonderful lessons and inspiration. Praying for you.
Dear Nancy,
We do love you? I am so sorry to hear this. I have watched you from the beginning and learned so very much from you. I had a class with you in Puyallup Washington years ago and the thing I remember most about you and I told all my sewing buddies as what a hoot you were in the class. I loved it. Thank you so much for the memories !
Linda E
Thank you for sharing your talents and inspiring me since the early 80’s. I taped your shows on a vcr and enjoyed the early shows many times. Now, I follow your shows via email and Pinterest. I often refer to many of your books and use your patterns and notions regularly. Nancy, I will continue to pray for you and your family.
Maxine Mac Neill
It is with such a sad heart to read about your retirement from one of the joys in your life. I know the Lord is watching over you and will comfort you. I truly believe he has a special sewing room for you with machines that hold golden threads. Just know that you have been the anchor to so many in the sewing world and will be missed dearly. God Bless Nancy
Kathy Bohannon
God bless you, Nancy. Thank you for the lessons and inspiration. I’m praying for you.
Frances Servoss
I’ve watched your show for many years. Your sewing tips and tricks have seen me through many tough sewing projects. You will be greatly missed. Prayers are with you and your family. God will see you through this.
Eileen Girens, Burlington, WI
Dearest Nancy, I was really excited to finally meet you last year at the Madison Expo. You floored me when I read your memo today. I saw your empty studio and knew something was not right. I pray God gives the Drs a cure for you today. You are the sweetest person. I am a sewer & belong to a quilt quild, collect your books, love your tips, watch your shows. Thank you for all you do, Eileen
You have made a big difference in the world, you will be remembered, you give and gave hope, and what a crafty person you are in the teaching world.
You will be missed.
Love and hugs.
Marlys Lee
Dear Nancy,
I met you a number of years ago at the Wisconsin Quilt Expo. I was so impressed that you took the time to talk to each of us as individuals, even though there were many waiting to meet you. I wish you well on your journey.
Deborah Schroder
I read your email with great sadness this morning and am prayerful for you and your loved ones. As others have already said, you have made a huge difference in so many lives all around our world.
God Bless and Keep You.
Prayers sent to you and families..Always keep your faith as this will keep you close to the one who will help you always …Standing up for what you believe in and know where you came from and know why you are here and where you are going to says it all…You are an inspiration for many and Thank You for sharing yourself with the world in using the talents you have….Peace be with you and yours….Prayers sent.
Emma Carpenter
My Dear Nancy: I am so sad about your “having to say goodbye”. May God keep you in his loving arms. I have watched you for many, many years and continue to watch your shows every Sunday at 10:00. You’ve taught me so much. Thanks you for your generousity and love. I am going to miss you. Take care and the best to you and your family. Love forever.
ISAIAH 38:1 38 In those days Hezekiah became sick and was at the point of death. And Isaiah the prophet the son of Amoz came to him, and said to him, “Thus says the Lord: Set your house in order, for you shall die, you shall not recover.”
Nancy, you have been an inspiration and support to so many of us, know that many of us are praying for you and your family.
I will see you and meet you one day soon
Karen J
Dear Nancy, I have watched your shows from the beginning and am now teaching my grandchildren how to sew. You have given so much and my hope is that we have given as much back to you. May God watch over you and your family and friends. You will be missed very much.
Thank you for everything you’ve taught me and countless others as you’ve shared your sewing knowledge. God bless you and your family! Know you are so very loved. <3
may God comfort you and carry you through this god please you an your family
Victoria Steel
There are no words to express the influence you have had on my quilting vocation/hobby. No matter when you would have left the sewing and quilting world, you would have left a legion of people you had touched.
God bless,
Michele Goady
I was stunned and saddened to see this news. Like many I have appreciated your show for decades. I have always been impressed by your humble Godly life as a professional, mother and even as a couple. I celebrated my retirement in 2016 by coming to the sewing Weekend in beaver Dam, meeting you (you were kind enough to take a picture with me) and buying a long awaited Babylock!
So now, remember that your contributions to countless people continues to inspire and equip! Enjoy quiet special days with your family. God’s word says, “I have loved you with an everlasting love” and “Fear not , the Lord is with thee, he will not fail you nor forsake you”.
Wendy West
Nancy..thank you so much for all your wonderful episodes of “Sewing with Nancy” God bless you and your family.
Remy Pessah
Dear Nancy,
It is with heavy heart that I read your Good Bye message. Nancy, you have impacted many, many people, your legacy will remain forever and ever. I pray for you and your family. May G-D help you in your journey. You are an AMAZING woman.
Nancy, I am going to miss your show. You have been a joy to watch and learn from. I am new to sewing within the last 4 years. I started watching your show then. I have learned a lot from you in just a short time . We are all grateful for all the time you have put into teaching us all these years.
Yours in sewing ,
I am very sad to read about your illness and that you will be leaving us. Thank you for your teachings, videos and creativity. You will never be forgotten.
Nancy, I too have tears as I read your announcement. Like so many others you have been inspiring me for decades. God Bless you and your family. Do not be afraid. Talk and talk and talk to your family. Feel Jesus’s arms around you as always.
I felt a quickening of tears reading your story Nancy and my heart is with you and your family during this most difficult of times. You have strong faith and this will be the most helpful elixir through the times ahead. Thank you for all you have done for us as we stumble our way through this most wondrous and challenging hobby! I’ve loved your show, videos, books, notions and continue to turn to them when I hit a difficult point and will do so as long as I’m able to sew. I have no doubt you’ll transition as bravely and creatively as you lived your life!
I have learned much from you over the years, but nothing more impressive than how to live a life with absolute grace. Thank you for your efforts to make our sewing easier and more efficient, your innovative teaching, and your devotion to the promotion of fabric arts. You have been the Julia Child of stitchers! God bless you and your family
May God be with you and give His peace as only He can do. Thank you for all you have done to help everyone and will continue to give to us all.
Linda Moss
You left a legacy to your family and to your audience. I have watched you for so many years and have learned so much because of your shows. A simple thank you seems too small to let you know how much I have enjoyed these years together. With much love, I wish you peace.
Kathy S.
Dear Nancy,
All these comments are a tiny fraction of the lives you have touched, enriched and renewed through your gifts of teaching and sewing. As a fellow Stout grad (’74) you have regenerated and improved my own love of sewing. A thousand thank yous for your knowledge, kindness and caring. You have blessed us all who follow you, you have lead by example, and you are a true Wisconsin Treasure. Peace and blessings to you and your family.
Dear Nancy,
Thank you and God bless you. I have watched your shows and learned so much about sewing and sharing our gifts with others. I will miss watching Sewing With Nancy but I have over 100 episodes on my TIVO for reference. I hope you and your family find peace in God. Again, thank you for sharing your gifts with us for these many years.
Sandi Chapman
Nancy, I am sad to hear of your health challenges, but I believe in miracles and I will be Praying for one for you. I have watched you for years and absolutely love everything I have learned from you. Blessings to you, please keep in touch with us and remember, GOD ALWAYS ANSWERS KNEE MAILS!! Loads of Love!! Sandi
Shari Fryrear
Dear Nancy
The picture of your empty studio saddens me. The studio without you in it breaks my heart. A lovely lady that I never met in person but has been a guest in my home many times through your Sewing With Nancy show. You have had so many struggles on this earth. Your strength and belief in God strengthens me. If you can not beat this disease I know that our Lord will welcome you into his home and hold you firmly there safe from all pain. When I see the empty studio I will remember that you are not there but safe from all pain and harm held by the Master’s hand. Love Ya Nancy.
You will never know all the people you have touched over the years. Thank you for all you have done. Love, blessings and peace to you and yours.
Judy Crowell
My heart is heavy with sadness, both for you and for the quilting world that will miss your presence. Thank you for all your amazing contributions over the years, and God be with you and yours.
We’ve spent many a Saturday morning together as you taught me how to do numerous techniques. You had the skill base, I had the cup of coffee. I’ll miss you. Take care dear friend and thank you. Joanne from Washington State
Carrie Burzan
Dear nancy, I have watched your show for years. I love your books, patterns, blog and your shows. My prayers are with you. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and creativity all these years. Hope you find peach and contentment. Prayers.
Jeannette Thulin
Nancy, I have enjoyed your show for many years, no matter where we live in the United States. Thank you for all of your enjoyable lessons. You and your family are in my prayers. Jeannette Thulin
God bless you. I will keep you in my prayers. Thank you for all your inspirations over the years.
Barbara Lillis
Nancy, I have enjoyed each and every 910 episodes of Sewing with Nancy – You will be missed. My prayers are with you and your family. May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
Rhonda Coleman
Nancy, you have been such an inspiration to me, even though we haven’t met here on this earth, I will be looking for you in our Heavenly home, will be praying for God’s comfort and peace for you and your family
Oh Nancy.. I don’t want you to be sick or in pain, but I don’t want you to go either…The empty sewing studio just made me sick to my stomach. Thank you for your wonderful attitude and drive. You are a great teacher of many things. I’m praying for you and all who love you.
I am so sorry to hear this very sad news. You will be in my prayers as well as your entire family. Thank you for starting the Quilt Expo, it is always so inspiring to those of us who don’t quilt but love to see the creativity shown by so many. I pray you find peace and comfort in the days ahead.
Dear Nancy,
So sad for your leaving. God bless you and your family.
Karen Todd
It is so sad to say “good bye” to such a vibrant, amazing woman. You have more than earned this rest. I will review your sessions many times to come. God Bless you Nancy.
Ethel Ahrendt
Dear Nancy,
I see you have so many friends. You have been a blessing to all of us. God bless you and be with you on this journey. Praying for you and your family for the comfort that can only come from Him.
Hugs and prayers,
Rhonda Coleman
Nancy, you have been a blessing to so many of us, I pray for God’s comfort and peace for you and family…we haven’t met here on this earth, but I know we will meet in our Heavenly home
Sarcoma’s are nasty cancers. I know one of my family members is fighting lieomyosarcoma. We live life to the he fullest between scans. May your family enjoy life to the fullest, celebrate life, make memories.
Lisa Thompson
Dear Nancy, what an example you have set for all of us! Thank you for trusting your “friends,” your customers and viewers, with the news of your life change. May you know God’s grace and mercy in the coming days, and may your family be comforted in the knowledge of the Life to come.
I am so sorry to read this, I haven’t always been able to watch your show but I have so enjoyed and learned from everyone I have seen. I too will be praying for you. Cancer sucks!!
Barbara Phillips
There are no words that can relay how much you have changed my life over the last 38 years. I have your books, tapes and watch your videos and never stop learning. I will never sit at a machine without thinking of you….. I hope you realize you made a difference in all our lives by making life so less frustrating by showing us we too can create our dreams. I am so deeply saddened by your news and thankful you gave all of us a chance to let you know how much your life and talent means to us. You are a very special lady and I will miss you so much. I know with you faith your journey will be peaceful. You are loved. Godspeed…
Dear Nancy. I am so shocked and saddened to hear this news. The PBS station in Buffalo stopped airing your shows for the last 18 months and this news may explain why, I have watched you from various homes in Ontario since the 70’s when my girls were little and I needed help and inspiration when sewing their clothes. Thank you for the years of many wonderful creative ideas in sewing and quilting and for the opportunity to shop from your store in Beaver Dam. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. God speed.
Hollins Wender
Dear Nancy, you have touched so many lives (mine included) with your great love of and knowledge of sewing coupled with your beauty and your grace. Your Bible verse is my life verse and it has never steered me wrong. I will be praying for you and all who love you. May His Peace which has surprised me many times fill all of your hearts. God bless you. I am 80, it won’t be a lot of years until we’re all together again.
Letitia Ricketts
God bless you and your family. My prayers will be with you.
Sandy Mason
You have been my springboard to a wonderful and loving life with the Love of sewing and quilting. No lessons, just you and my TV set. My heart goes out to you. I will pray for you and your family. I wish you Well and Peace for your journey. Your faith will carry you and your family through. We all live you. Dealing with your Company has always been a real pleasure. A real Class Act.
Diane Sobotik
You have been a hero of mine for a such a long time. Now you will be forever. I wish you joy and peace.
Karen Cooper
I’m so sorry to hear this news. I pray that you feel the love of God and His angels as they surround you with love during this tough time.
I’m so sorry to hear about your health issues. You and your family will be in my continued prayers. Thanks for all of the lessons and support in our sewing needs.
God bless you and your family!
Isabelle Rauch
May G-d protect you and give you peace on your journey. Thank you for many years of pleasure in learning and sewing.
Eileen McKinstry
God Bless you my quilting friend. I lost my brother to bone cancer recently and know what you are going through. You have been an inspiration to so many. Your quilting lessons, your expos etc have helped so many including me.
Prayers are coming your way to you and your family.
Kitty Kontak
Nancy, I am so sorry to hear about your health. and your retirement.
You have been an inspiration to me for many decadess and I will miss you greatly. You and your family are in my prayers. We have an awesome God and sometimes he does miracles. My He bless you and those you love in the days to come.
Dear Nancy. I am so shocked and saddened by this news. The PBS station in Buffalo stopped broadcasting your show about 18 months ago and this may explain why. I have followed you in Ontario since the 70’s when I needed help and inspiration sewing clothes for my girls. Thank you for years of dedication to the craft of sewing and quilting, for the shows, patterns, books and tools to help us master the art of sewing. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this time. God speed.
Liz T
Dear Nancy,
I know our Lord is taking every step with you. I love your shows and have watched many of them even though I only started this year. Your goodbye letter is just lovely. I’m sorry this has happened but I know, without a doubt, that you are in Good Hands. You are a class act. You will be missed, but what a great legacy you leave for others to learn from.
Thank you,
So sorry to hear. Rejoicing in your faith. Thank you for sharing your expertise. You inspired me when, in the depths of my poverty I learned how to have a sewing business and gained skills from your teaching, pulling myself up to succeed in life. Now I teach my granddaughters. I thank the Lord for you. He will carry you. He will sustain you and yours. Rest in His everlasting arms. God’s blessings.
Nancy Runnels
Thanks for your inspiration and sharing all your many talents with your all your fans. Watching you on TV was like having a personal teacher right there in the living room. My heart and prayers go out to you and your family.
Heidi Moegerle
I was at the MN State Fair when I got the news of your health issues and retirement. My heart is broken. You have gone through so much to give so much to us, your viewers and fans. I have watched and learned from you for most of your 36 years. Beyond the tips, tricks and skills, you always managed the unexpected with aplomb. That grace was and is heartwarming. I regret that you gave so much time to me and have so little time left for yourself. Please indulge yourself. Let us tell you how much we love you and wish you well. Know that we mean it and that we are praying for you and your family. Be good to yourself…as you have been good to us. Bye. For now.
Rosemary Sandau
Nancy. You are a true inspiration…as a person, a teacher and a sewist. I am so very sorry that this ugly thing called cancer is invading your life like this. It has hit my own family as well…my mother, my sister and now breast cancer is trying to take my daughter. I find nothing more dreadful than that. I send prayers and love to you and your family at this time. Thank you for the many years of knowledge and skill that you have given to me and to others. I am forever a fan of yours. God Bless you.
Vanessa Wallace
Dear Nancy, I’m so very sorry to hear about your illness my heart goes out to you and your family. I’m so very very sorry that you are not going to be able to perform and do the things that you love to do all the time. I have learned so very much from you and take from you your strength to go on in the face of adversity. I am wishing you well. You are a very brave and courageous individual. To God be the glory! God bless you, God bless you, God bless you!!
Our paths crossed through public tv. You have taught so many so much. This is a leagcy. Thank you.
Peace & blessings
Pat Fagan
God Bless you and your family. You have been an inspiration to me for many years. I only hope I can be as meaningful to my friends and family as you have been to so very many. You are the very essence of Grace and virtue. God will take care of you and your family. Blessings and prayers, Pat
Dear Nancy,
You have been an inspiration to me as I could barely sew on a button for years. I am sorry for the news you received. You have a dedicated following that will be praying for you each day.
deborah kitts
prayers going up for you – you have been a blessing to so many – I have watched many of your shows and have learned so much.
Hugs and much love!
Vivian Fitzpatrick
Dear Nancy,
All the wonderful and encouraging words have been repeated over and over. I can’t improve on any. May you feel the love and caring of so many who have never even met you. Most of all, may you and your family feel our Heavenly Father’s loving hands as He holds you all through this. And know, you are loved!
I am so sorry to hear about your new health problems. I will miss your smiling face and your wonderful promotion of sewing and embroidery! May God bless you and your family and keep you cradled in his arms.
Marvel D.
Nancy, my dear friend,
Though we have never met face to face, I sit here reading your words with tears streaming down my face, for we have shared so many years together. Through your tv show, I learned to not only be a better sewer but enjoy the process more. Your strength, dignity, humility, and strength came through your program and got me through many dark and difficult days. Yours was a show I truly looked forward to even in rerun. You have been a blessing to me, and I am saddened by your news. However, I have faith in God’s Wisdom, and I thank Him for His plan in bringing you not only to me but to a world of struggling seamstresses. I pray for you, your family, and your staff. You are an amazing woman who had impacted generations. God bless you, and thank you for being His vessel.
WOW. I did not know any of this. I have followed you and been a fan for at least 25 years now. While I will miss your creativity and inspiration, I completely understand your decision. I wish you nothing but the best!
Nancy…You’ve been a wonderful inspiration to all of us and have given us many hrs. of sewing help and joy. The words “Thank you” aren’t big enough for all that you do and have done!!
Have watched your program for years and can’t begin to tell you what all I’ve learned. It has been a pleasure having you come into my home every week.
May God bless you and your family…know that my thoughts and prayers are with you.
Laure Trimmer
My prayers are with you and your family. I thank you for sharing your knowledge and talents. I can’t tell you how much I’ve looked forward to attending Sewing Weekends, knowing that you would be there chatting with everyone and demonstrating the absolute joy of sewing. Godspeed.
Eva Osmun
I was so sorry to hear about your health issues. May your faith give you comfort during this time. You have been a long time friend even though we have never met. I’ve learned so much from you. May God bless you and your family and may you have peace during this time.
Cheryl Copass
Hugs and prayers. I will miss you dearly.
Marion Phillips
Prayers. Thanks for the memories.
Wendy Johnston
Nancy, you have been a part of my life for decades. I watch your programs. I have some of your books and sewing supplies. You have touched my life and countless others for which I am thankful. May God bless you and help you through your time of need. I will be praying for you.
Dear Nancy ~ I was saddened to hear cancer has necessitated your retirement. I’m presently battling pancreatic cancer; chemo nearly did me in so I marvel at your drive to continue through all you have been through so far. God has been my rock through this. May you and your family feel His presence and great love. Sending prayers for you all
Thank you for all the tips, tricks, and inspiration.
God bless ~
Thanks for all of the episodes. We will miss them.
I sit here with tears streaming down my face. You have been a part of my sewing life for what feels like forever. You have been such an inspiration to so many of us. Please know you and your family as well as all of your viewers are in my thoughts and prayers.
Thank you for all you have done for all of us!!
Carolyn Blakeney
Nancy, wishing you all the best in your future. But I do not think this HAS to be goodbye. Our medical establishment is inclined towards embracing past practice while ignoring cutting-edge science until they are backed up against the wall to accept the latest science. You may still have the option of exploring non-standard options such as a plant-based diet structured to manage a cancer manifestation. Here’s hoping you are able to expand your options!
My heart is breaking looking at your empty studio. You have been a part of my sewing life for so many years. I absolutely adore “Sewing with Nancy”. I have love learning about sewing clothes, quilting and embroidery from you and your guests. I wish you peace and love and will pray for you and your family. I cannot begin to tell you how much you will be missed.
Amruta Tengase
Dear Nancy,
You are my inspiration. I learned to sew through watching your videos. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience.
Linda Koenig
Dear Nancy
Sending lots of prayers and hugs. Thanks for all you have done
Linda K
My heart and prayers go out to you and your family. Although we’ve not met, you have been my friend and sewing buddy for years. Thank you so much for teaching me to sew…and sew well. {{Hugs}}
Patricia Belyea
Nancy—You are a hero to so many of us quilters. And now you lead again with your grace and courage. Best wishes as you face this great challenge. Peace, P.
Theresa Stewart
Dear Nancy,
You don’t know me. I know you, though, through your tv shows. You have been an old & dear friend. Thank you for coming into my home & teaching me.
Prayers & love,
Sheila Herb
I am so sorry to hear the news. You have been inspirational for me.
I have not been sewing long and enjoy watching your shows.
Prayers for you and your family.
Mona Collins
Nancy, thank you so much for sharing your joy of sewing/quilting with all of your viewers. I have enjoyed watching your show for many years. You will be missed. Enjoy your life journey with your family and friends. Sending prayers for comfort and guidance. Mona in FL
Vicky Smith
Wishing all the best to you Nancy and a BIG THANK-YOU for the amazing and inspiring shows that you have done. You will be in my thoughts and prayers and like you stated “Trust in the Lord”. Blessing to you.
So sorry to hear about your health news. I just finished reading your autobiography last week. You continue to be an inspiration to me and to so many people. Thank you for all your Sewing with Nancy programs. My prayers are with you and your family.
Nancy, you got me in to sewing. Without a mother or grandmother so knew who sewed, I wouldn’t of found my passion if not for you. I’ve learned so much about having fun with sewing, learning shortcuts, practical fixes, and giving to others from Nancy’s Corner.
Thank you so much for sharing your talents with us all. Now you can focus on yourself and family after giving so much to others over the years. I never wanted this day to come to say bye to my sewing mentor. But it is only “bye for now”. I will continue to watch all of the episodes I can find.
We appreciate you so much. You feel like a friend though we’ve never met. Thank you for coming into our homes (and inbox) every week. Thank you for being so giving. Hugs. -Callie
Robert Turner
Dearest Nancy: In the firmament of sewing and quilting you are both the morning and the evening stars. Your light shines beyond so many horizons enriching lives by sharing your knowledge and leading so many people into joy and contentment in both their lives and their souls. I have read and studied your wonderful book and your overcoming so many physical challenges has guided me and many others to deal with our own challenges. We pray by the many thousands who love you that this will not be your final challenge, your final trial. Love is the best and strongest medicine given to humans and we wish you all our love as we pray for you today. Amen
Mary Ellen
Truly, I will miss seeing you and learning from your shows. Your book Seems Unlikely was such an inspiration to me.
I pray for you, your husband, family and extended family to have peace and mercy from Our Lord.
Peace be with you!
Prayers and hugs of healing being sent to you and your family. I will miss seeing you and your sewing projects. There aren’t many sewing shows on T.V anymore and yours was the best. Keep your faith in God and your family around you close.
You are one amazing woman. My prayers are with you and your family. Our God is a big God, so please hang in there. You will be in my prayers. Thank you Nancy.
Leslie Lewis
May the good Lord bless you and sustain you through this time. He is faithful. He promises to never leave nor forsake his children. Thank you for all that you’ve shared with me. I have used your ideas and will continue to do so. Thanks again for your sewing inspirations.
May the peace and comfort of God strengthen you and your family. You will be greatly missed.
Thank you for all the inspiration, techniques and guidance you have provided to so many over the years. May God be with you and your family.
Carol A Lockwood
Nancy, you came into my life in the early 1980s and I have learned so much from you over the years. I will forever be grateful of your pivot & slide method of alterations. I learned from you how to use sewing outside of home to help other people in my own community and farther away. You have always been a sign pointing to Whom your faith is from…well done good and faithful servant. You are loved by many. I don’t want to ssy goodbye, only Godspeed.
Peggy Mason
I’ve been sewing since I was a little girl. Ive watched your show from the beginning. And you’ve taught me so much over the past several years. I especially enjoyed learning how to adjust patterns since I have broad shoulders.
Because of learning to adjust patterns, I have earned money to help with the costs of raising 3 children alone. I’ve made dresses for many weddings, in addition to crafts and other items.
Thank you for sharing with us about your retirement. You and your loved ones will be my prayers.
Kathy Bennett
Dearest Nancy, my prayers go out for you, your family and friends. It is difficult to express how saddened I am about this news. I have admired you for many years, for your practical and savvy sewing knowledge, your ability to explain, and your serene calm as you overcame prior health difficulties. Thank you for your honesty in good times and in bad. I wish for you God’s peace which passes understanding; may He wrap his arms around you all in comfort.
Nancy Karas
Nancy Z. I wish you peace and comfort now and every day in your future. Please know that you have been a great inspiration to so many sewers who love you and your passion to share everything about sewing. You’ve always been my go to place for whatever I needed to know. A million thanks and God bless you.
Jane Roller
So sorry to hear of your reasons for your retirement. I wish nothing but the best for you. Enjoy your family and friends while you can. You have been a friend to me over the years with your shows. I’ve watched you evolve and have enjoyed your shows to no end AND I have learned so much more over the years. You took my sewing experience to the moon with everything I have learned from you. Please take care of yourself – my thoughts are with you and your family.
A big hug for you,
Doris S.
Thank you Nancy, for all the wonderful techniques shared on your show and books and DVD’s. I have learned most of what I know about sewing from you. I am writing this with a heavy heart, learning about your illness. You are in my prayers along with your family. I never had the chance to meet you personally but feel I know you thru your teachings. God Bless you and your family. Sincerely, Doris S.
Carol Bank
I am so sorry to hear your sad news. You have given so much to the sewing and quilting world and to me. I’ve seen so many of your programs, taken classes (and made MANY purchases) at Nancy’s Notions, and participated in countless Sewing Weekends and Quilt Expos. It’s always such a treat to see and speak with you. I am so grateful for what you have done and will be keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Such a sad day!
Lugene Fernald
Dear Nancy,
Although I’ve never met you, I feel like I’m writing to a long-time friend. The first 2 books in my sewing library in the early 1990s were the Busy Woman’s Sewing and Fitting Books. I still refer to them, and am grateful for the many things I’ve continued to learn from you over the years through your programs and your blogs. You have given so much to the sewing community and inspired new generations of sewers…what a legacy you have established! You’ve always been there! Thank you for that!
I read your blog today with a lump in my throat. I share your faith in God’s provisions. I pray for you and your family and staff as you navigate these days. May they be rich and sweet. God will take care of you…I feel confident in that.
Blessings and prayers,
Lugene Fernald
Midlothian, VA
Dear Nancy,
I have been with you all these many years. I must have all your books and have seen all your shows. I can’t tell you how much you will be missed. Know that you have many friends that you have never even met that love you and are praying for you and your family. May God grant you peace.
Carole Haas
To my dearest friend Nancy, even though we have never met in person, I want to thank you for teaching me so very much about not only how to sew, but how to enjoy the process. I’ve loved watching you on Sewing With Nancy not only for your very clear methods of teaching, but observing and admiring your grace and kindness over all of these past years. I will miss you greatly, but I rejoice in the knowledge that we will indeed meet in heaven when God calls us home. Until then, thank you for everything you have done. Much love and prayers.
Cindy L. Masek
Thank you for so many hours of what I have thought of as a special kind of TV friendship and learning. You will be missed. I feel blessed to have had you in my sewing room with me for so many years.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. May you all find peace and strength.
Starr Hubbs
Nancy, I am so sorry to hear this news. Your verse, Proverbs 3: 5 & 6, is my life verse and I have repeated it many times. Thank you for your wonderful talent and your clear instructions. I just watched one of your youtube videos on free motion quilting. Thank you again, dear Nancy, I will be praying for you and your family. Starr Hubbs
Sarah Coston
Blessings to you, Nancy. I have watched your shows for years and have always loved them and have many of the accompanying books. Your faith is beautiful and miracles do happen. God Bless You.
Teresa Moffitt
Dear Nancy,
Goodbyes are never easy, but you can rest, assured to know that you gave given so much to so many. The list is endless and it extends far beyond sewing techniques. I have followed you since your first shows and the highlight of my sewing days was getting to have lunch with you in Sacramento during a sewing event. I was struck with your gentleness, your kindness and how beautiful and classy you were. Truly an inspiration to all! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you have given to us, for keeping sewing relevant in today’s world. You have much to be proud of! May God’s peace be with you, dear Nancy.
With love,
Suzanne Richmond
We met briefly several years ago when you were in R.I. for a sewing event. You are very gracious and so personable. Your news saddens me, watching you so many years I feel like we are friends. It may sound strange but I believe so many of your fans feel this way. You leave an amazing legacy, thank you for your dedication all these years. God bless you and your loved ones.
Cyndy Clausd
Nancy, thank you for all you’ve shared with us all. Sometimes, in the years when sewing wasn’t “cool”, you provided us with products, ideas and inspiration we just couldn’t locate. I wish there was a way for you to see how many you positivedly influenced. Hope that your remaining time is filled with love, laughter, joy and peace in Christ. I am sending hugs of prayer.
Linda Medina
Dear Nancy,
Thank you for all of the inspiration and wonderful shows over the years. I’ve enjoyed them from the brginning.
I’m so sorry to hear the news in your beautiful letter. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. God bless you.
When I first started watching you, I thought you were such a beautiful woman. After a while, I noticed that the beauty radiated from within.
Over time, I recognized your charm, your grace, your humility and your humor – oh, and your talent for showing us all how to sew with such ease.
As you and your family go down this path, I pray that God will bless you all with peace, acceptance and hope for the future.
Thanks, Nancy.
You have blessed me so much over the years. There are
no words that will describe. There have been many times I
was discouraged and I would listen to one of your programs
and became back to sewing.
I am so excited to know I will meet you in person
In Heaven. Maybe we will have a new very large sewing group and I can already see God smiling as He walks by.
With God’s love
Oh Nancy, you will be so missed. I’ve been watching your programs, buying your products :), and learning so very much since, for as long as I can remember 🙂 Take care of yourself as you travel this road. My heart goes out to you and your family. Linda
Susan Sorrells
My heart is breaking, but I know your strong faith will give you and your family the strength you need. I will be keeping you in my prayers. Thank you for all you have shared with us.
Nancy, thank you so much for all the inspiration and enjoyment you’ve given me. I am so, so sorry to hear of your diagnosis but am thankful to learn also of your faith which I share. Please know that I hold you, your family and loved ones in my prayers.
Debra Kososki
Dear Nancy, May god bless you and your family. You have blessed many lives over the years with Nancy Notions and Sewing with Nancy. I sure loved watching your programs and got lots of tips.
A fan. Sincerely, Debra Kososki
Kay Rideout
Peace be with you,dear Nancy. You are such an inspiration to me and all of us. I have followed you for years and I will continue to. Love and prayers. Your friend, Kay
Sharron Cullison
Dear Nancy, You have been such an inspiration to so many of us. I learned how to sew clothes from you many years ago and have continued to enjoy your shows on quilting for a long time now. You have touched so many lives and made them better for it. You need to know how much you have been appreciated and will be sorely missed. May God Bless you and your family through this time . Sending love and hugs to you!
Diana Lawrence
This is sad and shocking news. Your sharing the facts is courageous. The real courage is in your caring so much about the millions of your fans and students. God bless you and your family in this new episode of your remarkable life. God’s blessings to all of you.
Beverly Penaranda
Nancy you have been such an influence on me for my quilting knowledge. I will greatly miss seeing you. It is time to take care of yourself and know that you are greatly loved by all of us.
Nancy, I am so sorry. I am heartbroken with this news. I watched your shows faithfully. I learned so much from you. You have been a blessings to many many people. I am so glad you have your faith, family, and friends to lean on. May God give you strength, healing, peace, and comfort. I will be praying for you.
Janice Pezzullo
I will send all my prayers to you and your family. Please take care as best you can. You have many people that will be sending prayers your way.
You are a true leader. Who thought that a quilting show would become such a hit.
I really think you can take some responsibility for the resurgence of quilting and other home crafts.
Sandra Hall
Nancy, Your Bible verse is one of my favorites. I have been sewing on a Baby Lock that has your signature on it as I won it at a sewing weekend you put on in the Houston, TX area some years ago. I have been helping my daughter with some notebook bags for her art classes this Fall. God bless you as you have been a great part of my life, watching you on TV, attending several of your workshops and shopping with you, and using the great products I purchased. God bless your family!!!
Love you so much, Sandi
Dear Nancy,
I am so sad to hear this news. I want you to know how much I have appreciated you throughout my sewing years. I have been watching Sewing With Nancy for over 30 years and it is with your wonderful teaching that I can sew as well as I can. So I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you have given to the sewing world and I will surely be lifting you up before our Heavenly Father in the coming days. Take care of yourself.
Dearest Nancy, I am lifting you in prayer. I know that God is holding you in the palm of His hand and that the peace that passeth all understanding will flow over you. It is a testament to how much you are loved by sewers and non sewers alike to see that your site has crashed over and over as the news spreads. Thank you so much for all that you shared throughout your life. You have been an inspiration and a wonderful teacher. Wishing you God’s peace. Praying for your loved ones. Sending my thoughts your way.
Audrey Myers
I was just out of high school when I started watching and learning from you. When I first got married I lived in the middle of now where, You and your show taught me so much. I sewed for myself and my home. I order products from you and if I had problems there were helpful answers just a phone call away. please know you will be missed.
Audrey Myers
Please, please check with your physician about the Car-T treatment. It is new but so far has seen amazing results. It has saved the life of my cousin who was diagnosed with multiply myloma and had exhausted all options. After the Car-T treatment he is free of cancer. No, we do not know if it will be total remission forever, but he has a quality of life we never expected.
My prayers are with you, your family and friends.
Thank you for the many years of teaching people about the beautiful arts of sewing and quilting. You inspired so many to create and learn. Your show was and will continue to be an invaluable resource to me and I can’t thank you enough for that. We love you and hope you feel love and comfort during this difficult time.
Jackie Burbridge-Casey
My prayers are with you and your family. Thank you for the many years of inspiration. God bless.
Sue Tipton
It has been a privilege to ‘know’ you, as you have shared not only sewing tips, but ideas, encouragement and your positive outlook on life. Thank you for being a part of not only my life, but my mother’s also. She died 19 years ago, but she passed her love of sewing down to me, as well as some older books of yours. You will be in my prayers, for healing, strength and peace. I will continue to watch the old shows-still love them. God bless you and your family!
Edwena Maddox
Dear Ms. Nancy, Heartbroken. I have watched your show on the Tulsa PBS station since the beginning. I also had the greatest opportunity to see you and visit with you in person at an event in our local sewing store in 2014. You autographed your book for me, and I will always treasure this, as well as my picture with you. You have taught me much and I have passed many of your tips on to friends. I look forward to continuing to watch your show and read your books. You, my dearl lady, have blessed many, many, many!
Jo Kuklinski
It is sad you will be leaving us. Thank you for a wonderful life of learning experiences. You will always bring good thoughts and memories to my sewing. I will miss you.
Dear Nancy – I watch (and record) your Saturday shows. I don’t remember the exact first show that I watched, but you, (along with Eleanor Burns), have been my inspiration in so many of my projects for such a long time now. I love watching the shows over and over. I have never been blessed to have been in one of your classes, but it is so amazing how you are able to make every project seem attainable to the average quilter. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving your audience such graciousness and sharing projects in such a way that I would actually believe I could do the same thing…..(not quite, but I have tried.). I am sending hugs and prayers along with this little message, and I hope that you will find comfort in knowing that so many of your “fans” are holding your hands, and sending their own hugs and prayers. I will pray that GOD is holding your hand as well, for HE is the only one who actually knows all of the answers, and you have a job left to do, and that, dear Nancy, is to take care of yourself each and every day, and enjoy each and every rose petal along the way. Hugs,
Janet Krier
Nancy, after reading your goodbye message, I am speechless. You are such a good person and I have learned so much from you. I am grateful for all your shows and books. You have contributed much to all your viewers. Please know that you are in my prayers. Your positive thoughts come from above, and I believe that nothing but good can come your way. I, for one, will miss you terribly.
Janet Leach
I am so saddened to hear your news, Nancy. We are almost the same age and I feel like we grew up together. When I watch your anniversary specials, I remember those old programs and the changes of hair, outfits, and sets. I will miss your wit and charm and wish you a peaceful journey as you come to the end of your seam. No backstitching required.
Linda Jennings
Nancy, I have sewn for about 60 years, and still watch you, I still learn from you, always some new way to do things, new ideas, you will surely be missed. We all love you. My heart goes out to you and yours, may God Bless you. Linda
Dear Nancy, I can only reiterate what everyone else has already said. I thank you from the bottom of my heart and I wish you all the best. Enjoy to the fullest your remaining time with family and friends.
Janet Jochen
You taught me to sew and gave me, and my beautiful Mother, the inspiration to continue with this wonderful creative outlet for decades. There are no words; you are loved beyond measure.
Janet Jochen
Norco, CA
sal massimino
Thank you so much for your wonderful and meaningful shows. You have encouraged and given hope to so many of us. You will be in our hearts and lives forever.
Dear Nancy,
After reading many of these comments and scrolling down to comment myself, I ask myself this. Will Nancy get to read all these beautiful notes? Then I realize it doesn’t matter. With the volume of comments on this page, and other social media, the Love of Nancy Zieman fills the air. You are loved Nancy and you have brought so much joy into the lives of those who surround you. I pray you find the love, strength and peace peace you so deserve during your hour of need. Thank you for sharing your love of Quilting over your lifetime. The people who learned from you will keep you in their hearts forever. I pray for strength and comfort for you and your family. May there be needles and thread in heaven. God bless you and your family Nancy. We miss you already.
Jill T.
I have learned so much from you and I appreciate all that you have done. Thank you so much. May you have a peaceful during your journey home.
Sandy White
Dear Nancy,
I have enjoyed your programs for years and years. I will miss you so very much. You have taught me so much and I’ve enjoyed it all. Now is time for you to take care of Nancy and your family. Take care and God bless!
Beverly Morrison
One of my greatest thrills has come from meeting you, Nancy. You were at Paducah Quilt Expo. I asked if I could take your picture. You said no……not unless I was in the picture with you. My friend obliged.
I treasure that photo. Thank you. My prayers are for you and your family and friends. I’m looking forward to meeting you again in Heaven.
(When my grandson was 3, he would tell everyone that his favorite show was Sewing with Nancy!)
Jean A. Williams
I too, want to add my sadness at the ending of your shows. It was great fun to learn with you and all your guests, it was fun to learn new techniques with you and most of all, it was great to know someone else who loved sewing as much as I.
May God bless you and your family as you face this hard journey.
Nancy, thank you so much for sharing your heart with everyone. I feel as if I’m losing a dear friend. My heartfelt prayers are with you and your family on this journey. “Seeing with Nancy” has taught me a great deal. I rely on your expertise and seek your advice often. Your faith and God’s word will bring you comfort during this difficult time.
There is a new treatment where they remove some of your cells, treat them, and then reinject them into your body to fight the cancer. This came out in the newspaper almost a month ago. I’m not sure this isn’t what Jimmy Carter had done when his brain cancer was cured. Please at least look into this.
Your Proverbs 3:5-6 is a favorite of mine. My prayers were answered, in time. I pray that yours are, too. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.
And thank you for all the help you’ve given to all of us who sew.
Sarah Page
Thank you, Nancy, for all that you’ve taught me and for that all you’ve given to the sewing and quilting communities. I send strength and light to you and your family.
Faye Johnson
Nancy, I am so sad to hear of this problem, I have learned so much from you. You have become like family. I too use your bible verse in my life, I will pray for you and your family. I wish you well and strength to deal with what ever comes your way. May God bless you and yours.
Thank you so much Nancy for all your wonderful shows on PBS. Especially the quilting episodes! I look forward to the new episodes coming up.
Sharon Carbine
Nancy, I was very sad to read your news. You are a treasure. Praying for a miracle for you!
Thank you for all you taught me and the sewing joy you have bought me!
Thank you so much Nancy for all your wonderful shows on PBS. Especially the quilting episodes! I look forward to the new episodes coming up.
Joleen cole
Praying for you and you family. I was diagnosed with cervical. December 22 2015…I was invited to become part of a clinical trial at ochsner hospital in New Orleans which I did…treatment was not nice but for now my cancer is gone but I have a high chance it will return. I am not sad …I am not scared I do not pray for myself I pray for my kids I pray for you ….I pray for everyone that needs it or wants it I pray that your family will find comfort to know that you will be free from pain…I will soon get a simple sewing machine to start quilting again (lost,my old one in house fire )….you need to look up and smile knowing you will be free from pain complete your bucket list…when it’s time for my earthly book to close I hope I meet you in heaven and we can sew togather
I used your books and Tv show helped me learn to sew. You influenced my sewing.
HUGS to you and prayers for your family.
Nancy I have my faith and believe that as long as u believe He will hold you jn His arms and strengthen you in your times of need May He bless you n your family and friends you have given so much to so many and definitely left your mark and legacy in this world Rest n relax bask in Our Fathers love but most of all take care of you Thoughts n prayers for you n yours
Kathy G
Thank thank you for so much encouragement over the years to try new things. And to build confidence in trying to do so. I pray for you to find comfort in knowing all the people you touched with you show and books. I also pray for your personal and spiritual comfort. I hope during your days ahead that you lean on your Savior. And enjoy the time with your family and close friends. I wish you peace.
Frances Campbell
A simple thank you for sharing your creativity and knowledge and for being such an inspiration to so many.
Wishing you peace as you continue on your journey. Prayers and blessings for you and your family.
Dear Nancy: Thank you for teaching me to sew over the years. I’ve watched you on Sewing With Nancy since you started. In fact, my family and friends know they cannot call me on Saturday morning because I am watching you. I’ll keep you in my prayers for a peaceful journey.
God Bless:
Leslie Forsyth-Eno
Thank you, thank you, thank you. One of your books on quilting was the first one I bought. You set me on the right path and I still use it. Since then I have read your newsletters and watched your videos. You will leave a community bereft of your skills and generosity but much richer for your tutelage. Your graciousness and acceptance is astounding and humbling. I wish you and your family all the best as you traverse the road ahead.
Cathy King
You’ve been a friend in my house more times than I can count. I could push that button and you would just pop right up on my screen! I learned many things from you and cherish the time I’ve spent with you. You are leaving a legacy, with your books and programs, that will live on with younger generations. I already have my 4-year-old granddaughter hooked on your program!
Thank you and God Bless!
Carolyn Jas
You have been inspirational- I’ve learned many things from your weekly visits to my living room. You are an icon in my book. Best to you and your family.
Our local PBS affiliate stated broadcasting “Sewing With Nancy” in 1982 or 1983. My son was a baby, and I wanted to make EVERYTHING! My own mother had been a seamstress, but died when I was 17 – 12 (give or take) years before your show started. So much of my sewing education was lacking, but you walked me through it all. I have never stopped learning from you. We are chronological peers, but you have been my mentor, and have always held you close to my heart. Although millions of us will miss your humor and guidance, please have faith in modern medicine for the ske of your loving family. Many innovative treatments in metastatic cancers are ground-breaking. You are loved by so many. <3
Jill Durzinsky
There are no words that have not been said. You have been instrumental in helping so many of us continue to sew in this hurry-up, ready-made world. I will think of you and yours as you walk this difficult path. “I am with you always to the end of the age” Matthew 28:20.
Theresa Crew
Such heartbreaking news. God Bless you! You have meant a lot to so (sew) many. I’ve learned so much from your programs. I always enjoy watching. I pray God’s peace, comfort, and many blessings over you.
Janet Jordan
Dearest Nancy,
There truly are no words to adequately express my feelings about this. I echo the sentiments of other comments voicing the many, many ways you have enriched lives through the many facets of your work. You have been such a blessing, in so many ways, to so many people. What a wonderful legacy. I pray for your peace and comfort as you travel this path in your journey. I’ve no doubt God will continue to keep you wrapped in his arms throughout.
Best regards.
Mary Cavanaugh
You and your family are in my prayers. I enjoyed many of your shows and learned so much from you.
Thank you, I saw you once many years ago before the show in a Minnesota fabric store. I have been in the sewing business as a seamstress since. For a couple of years I ran a small fabric store and was I excited about getting your product into the store. I ordered 102030 Minute sewing, and my husband couldn’t believe the wow’s and amazement I found in this book as I was an accomplished seamstress. Whenever I find the book I buy it so I can pass it on to new seamstress. Just wish I could have told you in person and have you sign a copy. Take care, enjoy your family and Thank you for all you’ve done for the world of sewing.
Rita Barker
I have watched your show for many years and have enjoyed your tips, techniques and knowledge. Best wishes to you and your family. One Day at a Time.
Dear Nancy,
I was devastated to read your sad news this morning.Oh, for a cancer cure.Im a cancer survivor.i have enjoyed and learned a lot from your shows over the years.Even my husband knows who you are and how important you have been to me and many others.i had the pleasure of meeting you and having picture taken with you. Loved reading your book and have many of your books and DVD,videos too. Enjoy your family and time you have remaing. We all love you and wish you a safe pain free journey.
Linda K Foster
Our Dearest Nancy,
We are all so saddened to hear this news! We all love you so much and are so sad for your family. But we know as much as we love you, God loves you even more! We don’t understand, and I’ve heard many say when they get to heaven they are going to have questions for him. But I true,y don’t think once we get there we are going to care any more! We will be too busy worshiping God! But I do hope to come look for you in heaven some day! I love you and have enjoyed your shows so much! May God Bless you as you have us! Hugs and Prayers, and our prayers will continue for your family! Peace to you all. Love, Linda in Michigan.
Thank you good and faithful friend for enriching my life! You don’t know me but I have known you and been blessed by the knowledge you have shared for years and years. Your consistent grace and gentleness are heartwarming and I feel a deep sadness that you have to go through this dark valley. I hope it is clear to you the great value your contributions have made to us all. May you feel God’s presence in every moment!
Rose Pryor
Dear Nancy,
I am so sorry to hear of your diagnosis. You have made my life so full and enriched with your sewing lessons. I read your book, Seams Unlikely, and had the opportunity to meet you in person at the quilting expo in Virginia. I am inspired by how you faced the challenges in your life. Your strength and faith will carry you through this too. Peace be with you, and God Bless you.
Mary J
You will be missed. Prayers for you and your family. Peace.
Margaret Johnson
Dearest Nancy, Am sending Blessings from Australia, I have followed you for over 20 years, what can I say at this sad moment ?, only that God and His Angels may surround you.
And thank you so much for the many, many wonderful projects you have shared with me and the world…………You are always thought of……………….Love You……………..xxxxxx
I printed out the personal note and took it outside by my husband and read it to him with tears. You see, my nephew and my brother are both dealing with bone cancer right now. Your Bible message made my day. Aside from pages I could write about sewing/quilting, your struggle has given me strength I didn’t know I had. Thank you.
Carolyn Bizzell
Dear Nancy,
Thank you for alll you have contributed to the sewing world. I know that, without you, I would never have had the confidence to tackle the projects I’ve for on the table. You have given me the courage to try, fail, and succeed. God bless you and your family during these trials. My sister is battling multiple myeloma and I can relate to the outpouring of love and hope that your family is going through. I am sending my deepest gratitude for what you have given to us and me love and prayers always.
Diane Tripi
Oh dear Nancy, heartfelt prayer for the Good Lord to hold you in the palm of His hand during this difficult journey. You have been such an inspiration to so, so many. You shared your gift with all , with such a giving spirit. May the Lord cover you in peace and mercy…your a shining star!
Michelle Connell
Nancy — You are the picture of grace. I have watched and enjoyed your show for many years. You have provided knowledge and inspiration to many, including me. May you find peace on your journey.
Judy Holmes
Nancy, I have been watching your program for a long time and have enjoyed it and learned from you. It has been like having a friend come to visit and share their sewing knowledge. Thank you for that.
I am so very sorry to learn of your retirement and the reason for it. You and your family will be in my prayers. You are in God’s hands, as you have always been. You will be missed and remembered.
I just can’t even imagine…..you are an amazing woman. I am so grateful to have learned under you and to have known you. That scripture is also the one I base my life on. The world loses an incredible woman, but heaven gains a champion!! Praying for love and comfort for you and your family. Safe journey Nancy. Love you so.
Jan Everett
Dear Nancy,
Courage is, as Hemingway said, grace under pressure. You have shown great courage and grace and shared so much of yourself with us over the years. Thank you from the bottom of my heart…
You will live on in so many, many hearts and stitches.
I will just echo what everyone has stated before me. A Legend never ends and though one day we all will end, your legend will live on. We at our age have to accept whatever the good Lord throws at us, but that doesn’t mean we have to stop living. Nancy, you are a strong women and knowing your family and very large sewing community is by your side, remember you are never alone. Please keep us updated on your progress, and thank you for teaching me the things my mother could not
jean brown
dear Nancy and family,
it is hard to deal with cancer but your faith in God will help. thank you for you program it is something I enjoy so much. may you have time to spend with your love ones and know that all of our prayers are with you
Tonya Reichard
Dear Nancy, I feel blessed to have been able to learn new techniques and ideas thru your show and books. It was shocking when word came out about your cancers return. I am sending prayers and warm thoughts for you, your family and those who have worked with you thru all these years. God Bless you in all you have done to bring such creativeness into this world.
Carol Oliveri
Dear Nancy–You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Carol Stephenson
I am so sorry. As a hospice nurse, I clearly understand what you are going through. There are no words to say that would express well enough how I feel and how much support I wish I could provide. I am a long time fan and have always admired you for your contributions to the sewing and charitable communities and for your example as a quality Christian person. There aren’t enough of those around these days! I know making this announcement was difficult. Thanks for being open and honest with us. I will be praying for you.
Karen Ambrecht
Nancy you will be missed, your shows are so informational. Your verse is my favorite also. Bless you and your family.
I am so sorry to here your news.I was blessed to meet you this past May at sewing weekend. I also met you in the late 70’s. I will be praying for you and your family. With God by your side enjoy the time with family and the many memories.
Dear Nancy,
Thank you for all the knowledge , techniques of sewing you have shared with us. I have watched you since 1985. May God have mercy on you and help your family to be strong. Thank you.
I am so sorry to hear your sad news & of your retirement. Cancer is along & drawn out battle which really draws on our strength & faith to get through. Its sad that cancer for you has reared its ugly head again. Enjoy your time left with family & friends creating loving memories.
Right now I am on my own cancer journey having had 2 surgeries & now just completing radiation. Just waiting to have a scan to make sure its gone before I have further surgeries to rebuild my face & nose.
Wishing you all the best,
Mary "Bunny" Pepin
Dearest Nancy,
One of the thrills of my life was having you mention on your program a jacket I made with one of your techniques. I was so proud and so inspired by your program on Shark’s Teeth. That was only one of the many, many things I have learned from you. You have been my shero and inspired me for many many years. Thanks to you I can now fit myself decently and I will be forever grateful. Thank so very much for being a part of my life. I know many , many feel as I do.
Please know that you are in my prayers. May your days be blessed with peace, comfort, God’s grace, and the love of family and good friends. We will miss you so.
What a statement you have made to all. You are such a strong woman and I have enjoyed all that you have taught me over all the years you have so generously shared. God bless you and your family. We are all blessed by all you shared.
Dear Nancy;
Thank you for everything! You made me a better quilter!
May the rest of your travel through this life be peaceful and full of love!
humbly, gratefully
Sara A
Nancy, our hearts are broken. As have many others, I have been watching you since your show began. Words cannot express what you have meant to us. May God bless you.
Dear Nancy,
You are such a wonderful lady! So many wonderful memories! Thank you for sharing all of your talents and your love of sewing! I pray that God embraces you and your family with his rich love and powerful healing! Do not fear, God is with you always!
Kristen Schafer
Dear Nancy, I have watched your show for many years and learned so much from it. You have motivated me to keep sewing during the busy times in my life. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, praying God’s presence will be very real to you at this time. Thank you so much,
Janet Woodruff
Dear Nancy,
You have been such an inspiration for so many years. I have watched and have been inspired by your shows on PBS as well as your blogs and website. I want to thank you for all of your years of inspiring sewers as well as your support of up and coming sewers and your support of underprivileged people. My heart goes out to you and your family. Your spirit and inspiration will be a constant support to all of us who sew.
Debbie Ferrin
Dear Nancy,
It also is a shock to your loyal fans, and much love goes out to you, even if you don’t know us, we feel we know you personally as you have shared your life with us. I have tears in my eyes writing this, as I have fond memories of meeting you in person through your shop or at the quilt expo. I have bought some of your quilt books and enjoy them very much along with supplies when I visit your shop. I live in Waupaca, so I am not able to come as much as I’d like to. I have taped your shows over the years, and love playing them while I sew. Please keep your faith, as I know you will. That will give you much strength in the days ahead. That scripture you mentioned is one of my favorite scriptures too, along with Phil. 4:4-8, 13. God bless you and your family. We all love you.
Jan Fugler
Dear Nancy,
Your news is so sad but your courage is so inspiring. Thank you for all you have given to me and to all the others who have learned from you. Your fans have learned so much from you and been inspired by you for years. We are praying for you and your family.
Dear Nancy,
You’ve always been an inspiration to the art and craft of sewing from the start. Words can’t express my sadness and shock when reading your message. As you’ve enriched so many lives throughout the years, may your life be enriched with the knowledge that you’ve genuinely made a positive difference for generations of sewing enthusiasts. You and your beautiful family will be in my prayers and hopes for a miracle. You are loved and appreciated.
I don’t usually write to web sites, but want to say how proud I am of what Nancy is doing. Trust your heart, Nancy, and know that you will be remembered for many years for all that you did for our community.
Nancy, thank you for sharing the start of the next chapter in your journey. You’ve shared the gift God gave you with all of us and for that, I’m grateful and you should be too! Not many of us get to that point. I pray for God to bless you and heal you.
Julie Peterson
Nancy Zieman, you and your family have been in my prayers for quite a while… and they will continue! May God’s peace and calm fill you and your family.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge, and talents with all of us out here in TV land. You’ve spread more good than you’ll ever know, and it will go on into the future.
Peace be with you and your family,
another Nancy
Dear Nancy,
You have taught me so much over the years in so many ways. Your books, PBS shows, YouTube videos, and your blog have motivated me to sew well and to think creatively in all areas of sewing. Your approaches and techniques have been inventive and memorable. I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time, and will remain very grateful for all your inspiration and expertise.
Dear Nancy,
God bless and keep you.
I have been a loyal follower of your show for as long as I can remember. Thank you for sharing your gift with us. We have been truly blessed to know you through your shows and blog.
Treasure these days with your family. Your faith will get you through. Death is but a moment in time and a doorway to heaven.
You will be missed.
Hugs to your and your family.
I was very saddened to read your note today. You have always been a great inspiration and instructor. I will miss you greatly. Enjoy your time with your family. Go in peace and light. I hold you in the healing light.
Isabel Olsen
Dear Nancy: Your brand of teaching and connection with so many other talented people has been a blessing to many. I have enjoyed Nancy’s weekend and Nancy’s books more than any other sewing instruction for many years. I wish you peace and miracles. Your presence on public TV has been a learning experience and a gift to the sewing world. I will pray for you.
Love, Isabel
Sharon Kirby
Dear Nancy:
I cannot tell you how much this news saddens me. I am myself a cancer survivor and was hoping and praying the same thing for you. I have learned so much over the years from you and your guests that has enhanced and expanded my abilities to sew and given me the confidence to try new things, including quilting and machine embroidery.
All the best to you and your family your presence on television will be missed and the thousands of us who learned from you and loved you for your gentle and down to earth way.
Jan Jakubik
Nancy, May the Lord bless you and keep you. May He lay His hands upon you, and bless you. I have been a sewing and quilting teacher since 1970, and still watched you every chance I had, to always learn something new through every show. I will continue to watch your shows, and know that we all love your inspiration.
I always enjoy receiving your email. I am 69 yrs. and sewing since very young girl but always learned something new and enjoy your helpful hints and ideas for new projects.
Sending thankful thoughts and prayers from Michigan.
Sabrina Diehl
Love and Prayers for you and your family, you will be sorely missed. With a new Home Ec degree in Textiles in 1976, I was astounded by the reception I got in the workplace. A few years later, when I happened upon a “Sewing With Nancy” show on PBS and saw the love and pride you put into what we love, I felt so rewarded that someone was making sewing a very special talent and skill again. Thank you so much for sharing that love with millions of viewers and those who have taken your classes. I will miss you.
Becky Payne
Dear Nancy,
You are such a gift to all sewists. Thank you for sharing and teaching for so many years. may God continue to give you peace as you travel your final journey. I Chronicles 16:11.
Nancy Johnson
Nancy, you are a class act. Always a professional, even in saying goodbye. I will sorely miss you, your programs, books, interviews and inspiration. You will never know how many people and generations your life has affected, but we all do. May God keep you in the palm of his hand, comfort you and your family and give you peace to the end of this life and on into the joy of his presence.
Dear Nancy, Thank for you for all the wonderful sewing lessons you have shared with your fans through the years. Thank you for taking care of yourself. Your health and family are the most important things. Sharing faith if our Lord I pray the best for you and family.
Take care and know you will be missed,
Karla Bannerman
Dear Nancy, it was with a heavy heart reading your farewell.
Please keep believing in our God. He is good, and we all at times wonder why, what and how he handles our lives.
Just want to say Thank You for the many shows, you are the one who first inspired me to make my children’s clothing, then when you had the machine embroidery, much to my husband’s chagrin, I purchased my first of now 6 embroidery machines, of which I have 3 going at times Then you inspired me to try quilting. I am not good at it, but I do enjoy doing the quilts you show. I believe I have almost all of your books, the first on was I believe Ten, Twenty Thirty Minutes Sew.
God Bless You and Keep you.
Sally J Ward
Dear Nancy, Thank you for the years and experience you have given me as I’ve watched your shows, read your books and your blogs. We will miss you. No matter how much time is left, live each moment in the joy and peace that you have given all of us. Thank you and bless you. My husband watches your shows with me and said to thank you for all the inspiration you have given me over the years. He really enjoyed your show.
Midge keegan
My prayers go with you & your family during this time. You have been a blessing all these years & have kept me involved in so many different projects I would not have tried without your help. Thank you. God be with you.
Lee Beasley
Many, many thanks for all I’ve learned from your show over the past 30+ years, and all the fun I’ve had sewing project after project from your books and Nancy’s Notions catalog. We’re not a television watching family, but my sons always knew they were free to watch all the PBS programs they wanted… and that I never missed an episode of Julia Child’s Kitchen and Sewing with Nancy back when I was a stay-at-home mother with two lively little boys. I still treasure every one of those shows.
It’s never easy to say goodbye to an old friend, even one you’ve never actually met, but I am positive that closing a chapter in this life is only the beginning of a wonderful new one in another. So all I can really say is Godspeed, until we meet again under much happier circumstances.
Barbara Kartoz
I am so sorry to hear this. I want you to know that I learned to sew by watching your program when my daughter was little. You will be sorely missed. God bless you and your family and may He be your strength during this time.
Francine Beougher
So many of us have followed you and have been great fans for years. Your shows have inspired me to try new techniques and revamped “old ways” of doing things.
As long as you are remembered, you will live in this world, and people will hold you in their hearts.
You are about to embark on the greatest adventure of all, I pray for God’s grace and peace for you and your family.
What a wonderful life!!!
Sue Raddatz
God be with you, until we meet again.
Bless you,
Denise S
Dear Nancy,
I have fond memories of watching your show in the early ’80’s when I was a young stay-at -home Mom. Your life’s journey is so interesting and insipiring. God bless.
You are special.
You are awesome.
You are terrific.
You are an exception.
Love and God Speed,
Marte Cowulich
You have been an inspiration to me since you began your career. I faithfully have watched your show, bought your products and marveled at how talented you are. Everything I know about sewing came from you sharing your time with me, and the millions of other viewers who look forward to your show every week. Please know that God is with you and your family, and will carry you through to his light. Thank you, Nancy, for everything you have given to all of us through the years. My Saturday mornings will never be the same again without you. John 3:16.
Pat Mauro
Thanks Nancy for all your help….I started sewing and then making quilt tops only 5 years ago and have so looked forward to your monthly magazines and all your shared information! God speed and take care of you. You are such an inspiration! thanks again!!!!!
Nancy~ I have many of your publications and have often watched your shows. You have always been a woman of grace and beauty. Praying for you through all of these changes in your life. May the Lord be with you in all of this…
Your show has motivated and inspired many but in my eyes your farewell is most inspirational! You will be missed.
Patricia Ozment
Thank you for everything you have done for the beginning sewers to advanced . God be with you and your family.
Jeanne Crance
Dear Nancy,
Thank you. I have learned so much from you. I feel like your one of my dear friends. I sure will miss you. God bless you.
Love, Jeanne Crance
Stephanie S
Dear Nancy,
I have only been watching your program for approx. 6 months and love them. I have learned so much already. I am sorry to hear of your retirement and the reason why. I will pray for you, your family and your TV staff/family. Thank you for getting me back into sewing.
Belinda Johnson
I can’t put the words together to express what an inspiration you have had on my life. May God be with you and give you and your family comfort and strength to face the future.
May God walk with you & your family & keep you strong in this journey. my prayers are with you.
Joan Verburg
Thank you for everything. You are in my prayers. Joan
I have thoroughly enjoyed all your generous outpouring of sewing instructions over the years and also the outpouring of your faith for who and where you are and where you know you are going. Please feel the love from all your viewers. God Bless you and your family and staff.
Dear Nancy,
I’m so very saddened to hear this tragic news. You are such a classy lady. I can’t imagine anyone who sews or quilts that doesn’t know of you in some way or other. I was reading your beautiful message to my husband and he said, “I feel like I know her.” That would be because I have been to many events you sponsored through the years and would always come home and tell him all about it. He would also have seen many of your TV shows as I watched them. I don’t know what to say. I feel like I’m rambling but I’m feeling so bad. God bless you and your family and may He wrap His comforting arms around you in the difficult days ahead.
It is with a heavy heart that I read your retirement statement. You have been an inspiration for so many years. May God grant you peace and strength as you walk your path.
Nancy, it was with great sadness that I read your farewell note. You have meant so much to so many of us, as you have given us project ideas, including sewing for charity, taught us, and inspired us. It has been a real joy and privilege to watch you these many years. I will be praying for you and your family everyday, and I know that God has great plans for you. Continue to trust Him. We don’t always understand, but we know that He will never forsake us. God bless.
Dearest Nancy,
I want to thank you for inspiring me to begin to create again. Now, my children and grandchildren are cozy in newly created quilts and wearing special hand made clothing. Your inner beauty and strength is an inspiration to us all. May your next days with your family and friends continue to give you peace and joy. You have lived your life with purpose and have lovingly touched us all. Prayers to you and your family. XXOO
Lorraine Novoa
Nancy there are no words. I just need to tell you thank you for everything you’ve done for all of us that love to sew. I will be praying for you and my husband is putting a prayer request for you with someone that will be going to the Holy Land and they will add your name to a piece of paper and stick it in the wall.
May the Lord continue to hold you and your family.
Sue Clark
I can only say thank you for so many wonderful hours of information and inspiring stories. My prayers are with you and I wish for you, love and light.
Lynn - Harrisburg, NC
Thank you for sharing your knowledge and love of sewing with so many. Many times I would just need to put needle to thread and search your archives for a project, as sewing is my go to ‘therapy’ when I need to relax. Now it is our time to give back to you and your family with prayers for peace, comfort and understanding that only God can give during this chapter of your life.
Dale Ricklefs
I have been purchasing items from you since the early beginnings of your company. I visited the store in Wisconsin probably 25 years or so ago. I saw you at the Austin (TX) convention center during the Modern Quilt Show. Your leadership in this industry, as well as the graciousness you exhibited, will be greatly missed. Prayers are sent your way for assistance as you pass from this world to the next.
Dale Ricklefs
With tears rolling down my cheeks I pray for you. You have meant so very much to so many many people. God Bless you.
I just want to say thank you for all the things that I have learned from your shows, your books and for all that you do to inspire others. My heart and prayers are with you, your family and your staff.
Linda Dennis – Goodwater, Alabama
Fran Madill
I am so sorry to hear about your cancer diagnosis. It is an incidious disease that I would not wish on my worst enemy.
I want to thank you for so many years of learning and just plain enjoyment of your shows. I have learned so much from you. You have been added to my prayer list and I wish for you a miracle of a long remission. God Bless you and your family during this time. Fran
Kaye M
Dear Nancy, There are no words that can express how I felt when I read your letter today. You have been my sewing mentor for over 30 years and I consider you to be a dear friend! I read your book and was amazed at all the health issues you have battled and continued producing your TV shows with courage and Grace! I was happy to read that you got to tape a show sewing with your grand Daughters! That will be a special gift to us All! I admire your strong faith in God and know that he is walking with you on this journey! You and your family are in my prayers.
Linda Hubbard
I am so so sorry to hear of your diagnosis. I have followed you for many years and learned so much from you! You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. God bless you.
Nancy Wilson
My heart breaks for you, Nancy. I have been faithfully watching Sewing With Nancy since the early 1980s, have read your blog and have learned many techniques from you. You are right in retiring so that you can spend quality time with your family and friends. You and your family will remain in my prayers.
Dear Nancy, As I read this my heart is breaking for all who love and admire you. I thank our Dear Lord for his gift to us of you, and I thank you for your generosity in sharing your talent with us. I will continue t to pray for God’s will in your life.
Wow Nancy. I was watching one of your shows on my iPad and I was thinking that you were probably near my age and about ready to retire and thinking about where I was going to find new information from. And then this. Not happy that you’re retiring for The reasons you stated but I guess now is the time that your paths have changed. You probably have no idea how you will be missed by so many and how many you have encouraged and taught and inspired. I know God has plans for all of us and we are not privy to his ways but he lives in those of us who believe and All we can do is turn it over to HIM. God bless you for sharing the wonderful world of sewing with so many of us
Sue kujawa
I have watched you for years and I don’t even sew. Wishing you a the best.
J Lewis
You are a blessing and a light for God. I love the verse you shared and will be praying for you!
You will always be the best of the best. God bless
Vivian Wike
Nancy, I have loved you as a sister! You have taught me so much during my sewing adventures. I will always remember you and your life journey…may God continue to hold you in his wonderful hands and comfort you and your family during this your new journey. I will meet you in eternity and we will sing together with the angels as we sew together for our heavenly father.
Jan Schultz
Thank-you for all your contributions and education. Prayers for you and your family.
Kathy Johnson-Blood
My dearest Nancy: I am so very sorry to read your post and the news that you received. As you probably recall I never was much of a person that did sewing but would rather be outside with the animals in particular the horses. But I always marveled at those who could create such beautiful work and even my own mother did the same making my clothes for many years. I just want you to know that I will be praying for you and I am grateful for the faith that we were given his children and certainly have leaned on during different times of our life. This verse from Proverbs is one of my favorite that I have used over and over and over again throughout life and especially during the time of losing a loved one to this dreadful disease. But as I told the oncologist you need to understand that as a Christian we win in the end . Our hope is in the next world and not in this one as hard as it will be for all involved. Take care and know that you will be prayed for and your family as well.
Dear Nancy, I have so much respect and appreciation for you. I seem to be at a loss for words right now. I am deeply saddened that you have this diagnosis. Many years ago, (31) when I came down with Bell’s Palsy I wrote to you. I was so touched and encouraged when you sent me a written reply which I still have to this day. You were, and continue to be a wonderful example to me. Thank You so very much. Erica
Joyce U.
Nancy…God Bless you and your family. I admire your courage. In reading the comments on this page…I hope you feel the love coming your way. You were a gift to many of us.
Cyndi Ann
Thank you for giving me the courage to try quilting on my own. I owe my skills to watching you and Kaye Wood on Saturday morning PBS. Your projects have always been so creative and doable. You are a marvelous teacher.
Sending you prayers.
I was saddened as I read your letter. Thank you for your life and for sharing your gifts with all of us who are your fans. I pray for your continued strength in your faith. Please know that there are many who will hold you and your family in their prayers. May God’s Grace give you peace.
Kimberly Simmons
Dear Nancy, It hurts my heart that you will not be continuing your shows, however, I understand and I have learned so much from you. You have been such a blessing to all of us and will be forever missed. We will enjoy watching your reruns and reading your books and ordering your supplies, your legacy will live on always, you are an amazing woman. May God wrap you in the palm of his hand and protect you from the pain and may he bring you home peacefully. We love you and what a glorious day that will be. See you another day my friend.
I have recently learned to sew, starting with your wine tote bag and picnic bags. Then I was flipping around one Saturday morning and found your show. I have been watching ever since. Even though I am new to sewing, your show has been an inspiration to me. I watch week after week, learning a tip or technique each time. But what I think I enjoy more, is your lovely presence. You demonstrate with a real love for sewing, a patience, and although I do not know you personally, a gentle kindness. Reading your letter made me tear up. Thank you for your inspiration and your perseverance.
Sending prayers to you and your family.
JoAnn Speas
It is with tears I write this. I feel like you have been my friend for years. My shelves in my sewing room are loaded with your books. I have recorded your tv programs and watch them over and over. You have taught me so much. How happy I am to know you are my sister in Christ and that we serve a Mighty and Loving God. My prayers will be for you. Praying for peace, courage, comfort, strength, and hope. You have been a special person in my life and I send you my love.
MaryJean Bower
Nancy, I have so enjoyed the many years of journeying in the sewing world with you. You have been a blessing to so many. You are in my thoughts and prayers. With God all things are possible, even the strength and faith to lean totally on Him.
MaryJean Bower
Dear Nancy,
Thank you for sharing your life and talents with us these many years. God has blessed you with so many talents and you’ve not kept them to yourself! Thank you for that. Proverbs 3: 5-6 are verses that will help keep you focused on the only one who knows you inside and out. He will give you strength for whatever lies ahead and you know you can trust him. God bless you as you serve and trust in Him.
Penny W-S
My tears are rolling as I write this, which might seem a bit dramatic, but your beautiful farewell letter touched my heart. Though we never met, I’ve often felt that I know you ever since reading your book, “Seams Unlikely.” What a wonderful life, an inspiring teacher, and terrific role model. You’ve achieved so much and I’m forever grateful that you have shared it all with us.
My Dear Nancy,
You know you have been blessed, let me assure you that you have blessed me with your wonderful inspiration, stories, books and videos. Yes, I have many of your books and videos and treasure all of them. You have been such an inspiration to me and my granddaughter. Most of what I know about sewing and quilting comes from watching you all these years. I’m not even sure how many years I have been watching you, but it has been a long time.
May God continue bringing blessings to you and your loved ones.
You will be sorely missed.
Praying for you and your family, you have been an inspiration to me,
And encouraged and inspired me to the love of sewing. Thank you
Sandi Myers
Just as everyone else, I, too, wish you could see all the great things which we have been inspired to make (whether or not they were perfect) because we were blessed to be taught by a true master. We are grateful for the episodes that are available, and for the technology which exists that will allow us to continue to learn from even your first episodes so that we can always keep “Sewing with Nancy” around to teach people who do not yet know sewing. May our Father in Heaven comfort and direct you and your family.
Darly Evanson
You will be missed! Thank you for your contribution to the wonderful world of quilting and sewing. My prayers are with you every day. I too am dealing with terminal cancer. Quilting is my go to place of refuge.
Patsy Cruxton
Thank you Nancy for sharing and teaching us for all the years you have given us totally. My thoughts and Prayers are with you during your new journey of the battle you are fighting cancer.. You know with God All Things Are Possible.. Take Care and Thanks a Million.
Jennie Balcolm
Every week when I have turned on your show, I felt that a friend had come to visit. I have so enjoyed you and all you do. Please know that you will be greatly missed and my heart aches for you.
God bless you, your family and your staff.
Thank you so much for the gift of your lifetime of work. It is truly a treasure for all of us. I came to know you through your videos and books rather late in my life but I so appreciate your insights and enthusiasm. I am very sorry to hear of your ill health. Please enjoy this time with your family and friends. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time.
Dear Nancy,
Thank you for all the helpful, informative, interesting, and just plain fun Sewing With Nancy shows. You make all your viewers feel like friends. I had the pleasure of seeing you live at Virginia Western Community College in Roanoke, VA many years ago. You are an inspiration to all who love sewing. Thanks also to your family for giving you the freedom to teach the nation to sew.
I hope that you will be able to enjoy the coming time with your family and feel their love for you. I sincerely hope you can feel the love coming to you from all of us who admire you and appreciate you so much.
Jessica R. Smith
Donna Barnett
I have watched your show since the beginning. I had video tapes of them and now I have quite a few on my DVR. I am so sorry to hear of your diagnosis. One of my favorite verses is “Be still, and know that I am God.” Many prayers for this time with your family. May God bless you all.
Beverly walker
I’m sorry sorry to hear this sad news I’ve enjoyed your shows for so long. As others, I have learned so much from you. God Bless you and I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Thank you for sharing your talents with me .
Dear Nancy,
I’m so sad to hear of your diagnosis. Prayers to you and your family. I have loved your show. I’ve learned so much from your shows. Thank you for all that you shared with us over so many years. I will miss your shows. Keep fighting!
Gail Zirtzlaff
What a legacy you have with so many of us viewers! I did have the opportunity to meet you at a Quilt Market, and you were so kind, as you are on your show, too.
You are a blessing, and I will reread Proverbs thinking of you and your family.
Bonnie Irby
I’m so sorry to hear your news. You’ve been so helpful over the years and I’ve always looked forward to each new episode. I feel as if I have known and looked up to you for many years.
With love and prayers,
Debra Kilgore
I am saddened by this news ! I have watched your show for many years and have books and magazines with your sewing expertise. I have my dvr full of past shows that I will watch many more times. Prayers for you and your family !!!
Thanks for sharing your knowledge and love of sewing, and may God bless you and yours in the coming days. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Always a fan,
Dearest Nancy,
This news is such a great sadness. My heart is breaking for you and all of your loved ones. Your letter was very tenderhearted and full of faith that has touched my soul as much as your sewing talents have inspired my heart. I bought my first sewing machine after watching you on PBS a few years ago. I have been hooked ever since. Your show is the highlight of my Saturday morning, your newsletter was so welcoming in my email inbox. But it is your talent, creative ideas, and inspiration that will forever be apart of me. Thank you for sharing your talent, passion, and love of sewing with all of us. God bless you and your family during this difficult time.
Michelle Hall
I cannot even count the tips I have learned from you over the years. Thank you for all you have given to your sewing family.You will be in the thoughts and prayers of many people
"Willie" Loyall
My heart is sad, Nancy, and along with countless others, I pray for that peace that surpasses all understanding for you, your family and all of us who love you. I was blessed by the opportunity to meet you in Richmond, VA a few years ago, and to share conversation with you when you asked about my last name (Loyall), which you said was the same as your uncle’s first name. I remember leaving that 3-day event knowing that I had been in the presence of an extremely talented well-known celebrity who is also a very special, very real, down-to-earth person! Thank you, and “Bye for now” . . . . “Willie”
Tears are flowing as I think of your pain – emotional and physical. Yet I rejoice so much knowing that one day, not on this earth, I will be meeting you!! Rest in His arms <3 Thank you for so many years of fun and learning!! – Until we meet
MJ Schultz
You are truly one of the Best! I started watching your shows as a stay at home mom, when my children were young. I learned so much and gleaned many great ideas from them. God bless you for sharing all of your talent through the years. I will miss you, as will many others, I am sure. My heart goes out to you and your family. God Be with you.
Anne Lindsay
Nancy, you are loved by so many. Thank you for the years of sewing inspiration and creativity you gave us. I love the scripture you shared and pray it will carry you through your journey. Sending love and prayers.
Mary anderson
So sad to hear this news .We have learned from you, and loved your shows for many years.We will miss you.God bless you and be with you and your family.
Dear Nancy, I first started to watch your programs when my boys were young, back in the 80’s. I visited your store probably around 1989 when my youngest was about 3 or 4. We spent the whole day there while my husband had a conference in Wisconsin. Loved watching your show and also enjoyed all the guests that you have on your show as well. My prayers are with you and your family at this time, and we know that you are in the Lord’s hands. We never know what will come our way, but with the Lord’s help, we will get through it. Blessings to you.
Mary Green
Dear Nancy,
You were one of my first friends when hubby retired from the Army and we moved into civilian life near Fort Worth. I’ve enjoyed your shows for 24- plus years, and have learned so much from you and your guests.
My heart is heavy as I read your news, and I pray that God grants you peace and comfort as we all await His plans for our lives. You have touched so many lives and hearts, and done His Will thru your program. God bless…
Nancy prayers go out to you and your family.we will all miss your sewing.
I am so very sorry. You and your family are in my prayers.
I am so sorry to hear of this new journey you are on. Stay strong in your faith and enjoy every moment to it’s fullest. God’s plan is the best plan, even when we do not, or cannot understand. Blessings to you and your family.
Mary Ann Magee,
Dear Nancy
I have watched your shows from the very beginning and have always been inspired. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and inspiration. I too have switched from clothing to quilting. I am so sorry to hear your cancer has returned. Praying for you and your family. God Bless
Karen Hacker
Dearest Nancy, I pray for no more suffering here on earth, but I know there will be none in Heaven, where I will meet you there!- Thank you for your years of teaching!!! SINCERELY, Karen
Linda Dockstader
My Dearest Nancy – Thank you for sharing your news with us, your “congregation”. I have been watching you since the mid-1980s on PBS, learning so much! I was lucky enough to meet you at a Washington state Sewing Expo in Puyallup.
Thank you also for your bravery in sharing your faith and trust in Our Lord. Many of us are Christians. I will add you to my prayer list. May God richly bless you with peace, courage, strength as you face your home-going. May the Lord send angels of comfort to you to relieve your pain. May Jesus rejoice in receiving your soul into His eternal joy. God Bless you!!!!!!!!
Sue Moore
I was so sorry to hear of your cancer’s return and your decision to retire. It is always hard to have to make a decision that you are not ready to make but as you explained, you have your faith. Your Proverbs bible verse that you wrote about has always been my favorite; again it is hard to understand the reason why some things happen the way they do. Your goodbye letter was very nice and I will continue to pray for a miracle for you as well as comfort and peace for you and your family. God bless you, Nancy.
Jeanne Kerrigan
I have been an avid viewer for nearly 20 years and have learned sooooo much from you and your guests. God Bless you. I am so stunned, but I do understand. Love to you Nancy. You will be missed. Enjoy the time you have left and be happy.
Amanda Jensen
Dear Nancy,
Thank you for everything that you have done, and what you continue to do. I started watching your series with my Mom when I was a child in the 80’s, and have come full circle and now sew myself . Thank you for being there. Your consistency helped me to re-discover this skill, even after years away. Keep fighting. There are those of us out here who grew up with you as another Mom, and who root and pray for you and your family.
Thank you for being an positive, dedicated example for years.
Amanda Jensen
Nancy I’ve attended the past 15 years of your Sewing Weekend in Beaver Dam and I’ve watched you religiously twice as many years on TV. I feel you are my friend. But more importantly we are sisters in Christ. I was pleasantly surprised when reading your book that you were raised in my neighborhood and my church. May our gracious God continue to be your strength. You and your family will be in my prayers.
Kathy S
Dear Nancy,
You have been such a beautiful, gracious mentor to me for many years. Thank you for all you have done for the sewing community. You will be in my prayers. Stay strong in your faith and lean on Him.
Alison Marletto
Thank you Nancy, you are inspirational and you will live on in our hearts and on our screens as we re-watch you in your episodes.
Dear Nancy,
Sometimes we question the path the Lord has chosen for us but as you have quoted “Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lean not on your own understanding. Acknowledge Him in all you do and He will direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:5–6
God has blessed us with you and your wisdom for many years.
Know that we pray for peace and comfort for you and your family. And will keep you in our thoughts and prayers daily.
God Bless you Nancy.
With Great Respect and sadness.
Dear Nancy, It saddens my heart to hear this report of your illness. Prayers for you as you continue on your journey. Your shows were so interesting and you have touched many lives.
Pamela Rose
Dear Nancy, Thank you for all the wonderful knowledge you have given us quilters and sewers. Praying for you and your family at this time. God bless you.
Nancy S
Many prayers are heading your way as I am so thankful you have been in my life. You will be missed by so many especially your family but your journey is one we will all take eventually and you can then be reunited. You are loved.
Dearest Nancy,
I have watched you from the beginning. Thank you!
Prayers for peace.
Until we meet again,
Joanie Z
Dear Nancy,
I was so saddened to read your good bye. I can only say thank you for your devotion and inspiration. You and your family will be in my prayers. May your faith sustain you and yours through your difficult days ahead.
God Bless you, Nancy, and thank you.
Pamela Rose
Dear Nancy, Thank you for all the knowledge you have given us quilters and sewers over the year. Prayers for you and your family at this time. May God bless you.
Well, I don’t know exactly what to say but want you to
know how much I enjoy watching your program. Have followed you for many years. Thank you for sharing your
time and talent with everyone.
Saying many prayers for you and for your family too.
The Lord is with you. God Bless you
Joyce Mix
Dear Nancy,
I really wanted you to know what a difference you made in my life. You helped instill so much confidence in my own sewing skills. You helped me to never be afraid to try something and forgive my imperfections. You will be so missed and I have loved your shows. I feel as if I know so much about you but I am truly saddened by this news. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Thank you again for all the wonderful years.
Linda Crone
I am so saddened to hear this news. You can be proud of the difference you made in this world, filling our lives with the joy of sewing. I have you to thank for inviting me to teach at your expo…it helped to launch my career back then. I remember coming down with the flu while teaching, and you made a personal visit to make sure I was okay. May you be richly blessed with kindness and comfort at this time that you have freely given to all of us❤️. My heartfelt prayers are with you and yours. Thank you Nancy.
Tina Rathbone
You have inspired me all my life. Loving energy to you, dear Nancy.
Tina, in San Diego
Mary Densman
Dear Nancy,
I feel like you are part of my family. Thank you for sharing all of your knowledge and wonderful personality with all of us. You have taught me so much and given me the confidence to sew. Please know that you and your family in my prayers.
Cynthia Taylor
You might not have spoken about your faith but it has always shown through. It’s good to know you are surrounded by the people who love you. I have been watching you all my adult life! You have inspired me to keep sewing almost every day. Saturday mornings, while the house is quiet, I enjoy my coffee and Sewing with Nancy. You have a Teacher’s heart. There are so many feelings and not enough words. Thank you for caring for your viewers. Reading some of the messages that have been posted….you are loved. Praying for peace for you and your family.
Dear Nancy: My heart is heavy, and I prayed for you today when I learned of your retirement from a family member. The tears came when I read your goodbye. The scripture you quoted is my favorite, so thank you for sharing that and so much more over the years. God bless you and your family. I for one will greatly miss your programs and hope that someone will pick up the baton for use sewers.
Jean Albertson
Am so sorry. Thank you for your years of knowledge and kindness. Also for constantly bringing us the wonderful new ideas for us to dream about new projects.
Carolyn Andrew
Has anyone ever told you, “You taught me everything I know”? I’m fairly certain you’ve probably heard that from more than one of us (your many viewers over the years). I can’t imagine how my sewing abilities would have been compromised without your continued teachings over the 40+ years I’ve been a constant viewer and fan. One of my biggest thrills was in Puyallup, WA when I attended a Sewing Expo and saw you in person. I felt as if you were like a sister in sewing and was convinced you knew me personally; wishful thinking.
Thank you Nancy for seeing me through two pregnancies, a divorce and the devastating loss of my child. You got me through it all. I will never forget what you have done for me. Your a great woman and one of my life’s inspirations. May Gods oeace be with you always.
Mary Brock
So many, many well said messages that all I can add is that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. God Bless and hold you and yours in his arms.
Mary Z.
Dear Nancy,
This is a sad time for all of us who looked forward to spending time with you at assorted events or through your TV show. Know you are in our prayers. Thank you for sharing your gifts.
Linda Pidgeon
You are the reason I tried my hand at quilting. Thank you for everything you’ve done. May God wrap his loving and comforting arms around you and your family during this difficult time.
Elizabeth Stracener
You have beenough a blessing to watch on PBS for many years. I am saddened by your recent diagnosis and send you prayers for peace, strength, and comfort during this time. Blessings for you and your family.
I do share your faith and will keep you and your loved ones in my prayers. Proverbs 3 and Psalm 91 were both sources of comfort for me in my battle with cancer. If this is indeed your final chapter here on earth rest assured that this is not the end, we have eternity to look forward to. You are an amazing woman and have been an inspiration to so many people. I don’t think you realize the number of lives you have touched. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Rest in God’s peace knowing that he has a good plan for you.
Deb T
Dear Nancy, I am so sorry about your health issues and unexpected retirement. I have watched you on PBS for many years and have enjoyed all the different tips, techniques and outstanding patterns you have shared. You will be missed. I’m glad you have your faith, because it is so reassuring to know you (and all of us) don’t have to face anything alone. God is good and never leaves us alone. I will be praying for you and your family as you all face the unknown together. May God bring you peace, courage and calmness.
Peggy Hazell
Nancy, thank you for all the wonderful sewing and quilting projects that you have shared over the years. You are an inspiration to all! I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
Janet Vickers
Dearest Nancy,
Its with a very heavy heart that I read your news. I have always loved your tutorials. You will be sadly missed by millions i’m sure. Thankyou for the knowledge you have shared with us. You have made us better quilters. God bless you and your family. peace be with you. x
Kathy Majore
Dear Nancy, You will live on in thoughts and in hearts. Thank you! Kathy
Janet Dixon
Thank you for all the time and knowledge you have shared with all of us. I was very saddened to hear about your cancer. You are truly loved and will be greatly missed.
Janice H Seigler
Dearest Nancy,
Me and my sister have been long time fans of yours from the beginning of your show. My sister recorded your shows faithfully every Saturday morning. I want you to know that we have enjoyed having you in our homes and being part of our lives. There’s not enough words to described how much we appreciate everything you have shared. Your wealth of knowledge will live on through our love of sewing. You will be greatly messed. God bless you and your family.
Paula Hilson
I am so sorry to o hear you are retiring may you have many happy and joyous times with your family, please hug your granddaughters extra long. I personally want to thank you for teaching me how to sew. In 1989 my oldest son was born and I decided to sew and I stumbled across your show and learned to sew. I seed most of my 3 sons cloths for the next ten years. Life happened and I didn’t sew for the next ten I’m back sewing and w n directly to you site for helpful information and tools. I purchased an embroidery machine and used you for inspiration., if I I have a question I look yo you, you have always help and you will be missed. I will keep you in my thoughts and my heart and pray for many years with your family. You are truly wonderful
Bless you, you are an amazing woman. Prayers and love are with you.
I think all quilters and sewers are grateful to you for all that you have done for the community. Your shows were always informative and fun to watch. I cried reading your letter. Please know that many are praying for you and for your family.
Julie Bromley
Nancy, I have watched you for many years on KACV in the Texas Panhandle. I’m saddened to hear of this new bump in your path.
My favorite scripture verse is Zephaniah 3:17
“The Lord your God is with you. He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you. He will quiet you with his love. He will rejoice over you with singing.”
My prayer over you this evening is that you will feel his presence in the words of this scripture. May you feel his love as he quiets your anxieties and calms your fears, and may you find rest as he sings over you.
Godspeed on your journey
Nancy I love that the verse that you cling to is my favorite. I am grateful for your faith in God and know that is a comfort to your family and friends. I have learned so much from you over the years and I am so grateful for your contributions to the sewing and quilting world. You will be missed@
Sharon Fields
Dear Nancy,
I am so saddened to hear of your forced retirement and medical status. Know that my prayers will be with you. I am so glad to hear of your great outlook and faith in God which will sustain you and your family throughout this time. Your shows and quilting wisdom will certainly be missed but you will not be forgotten. Your videos will be a true legacy to your sewing and teaching skills. I have loved learning from them and will continue to do so. I have also learned from your gentle and patient demeanor to not let my mistakes and screw ups get the best of me. Thank you so much for making me a better quilter and more patient person. May God surround you tightly with His loving arms and see you through this journey to sit at his glorious side.
Thank you for sharing your expertise, life and journey with us all.
Sharon Fields
Joan Long
Dear Nancy
You and I have shared Saturday afternoons for many, many years. I’ve learned so much from you. My husband has been fighting cancer since 2012, so our prayers are with you and your supportive family! Love, Joan
You are such a Godly woman for whom I have tremendous respect. You have never failed to present yourself in a feminine and modest way yet always fashionably. Your courage inspires me. You are a lovely lady and I look forward to meeting you one day. We will worship Him together! Until then, I pray for you and your blessed family. Love in Christ, my sister.
Jeanette Tuttle-Hamer
Dear Nancy
I was deeply saddened to read your news. You have contributed so much to the sewing community. You will be remembered and missed everytime I watch one of your shows or DVD or read your instruction books..I own many.
Nancy, you have lived through many challenges in your lifetime…more than most…and you’ve done it with grace and faith. I’m sure you will travel this final challenge the same. Our prayers and thoughts are will you and your family. God Bless you all
Con profunda tristeza leo sus palabras; la vida es así y nunca sabemos cuando va a cambiar tan drsticamente que hará se modifique todo nuestro mundo. Que la fe y confianza en su corazón le sostengan y le den paz y tranquillidad para enfrentar lo que venga. Agradezco muchísimo todo lo que ha compartido con el mundo de la creación y le envío un abrazo solidario. Gracias !
Jennifer S Brown
Dear, Dear Nancy,
Today was one of my granddaughter’s birthdays–her 6th–for which I stitched up a little dress of ballet dancers print. I would never have attempted this had it not been for your many videos, programs, blogs, and so many other ways in which you have inspired multiple generations to create for others. My prayers will be daily to ask for support and sustenance for you and for your family and friends as well. God bless you Nancy as you have blessed so many thousands of us through the years. You may not even get a chance to read this, but it doesn’t matter. My prayers are there to ask for whatever you need in these next weeks and months. Thank you so, so much! Fondly, Jennifer Brown
I am so sorry to hear your news. You are in my prayers. You have made such an impact on so many people. Thank you.
anne peterson
Dear Nancy-
My heart and my prayers go out to along with a very large thank you. Through your shows and tutorials I have become a much better quilter than I had ever hoped to be. I retired a year ago at the age of 69 and I thank you for giving me a purpose this the second half of my life. I pray and wish you all the best and know that God is with you.
Nancy, You inspire us with your faith and by holding onto scripture. Proverbs 3:5-6 are the verses I claimed as my “life verses” many years ago. What a precious gift God gave when he perfectly timed your last episode with your granddaughters! What a legacy you are leaving! Thank you. I am praying for God’s blessings of peace and comfort for you, your family and your staff.
Vicky Griffin
I am truly saddened by your news. Please allow me to share with you some thoughts from the Bible that are encouraging to me, and I hope for you also.I cannot add to what has already been said. Please know that you are loved and respected by many, whether we have ever met you, or not.
thank you for planting the seed to sew from when I was a child.
You are my inspiration.