A Modern Quilting Bee

A Modern Quilting Bee by Nancy Zieman of TV's Sewing With Nancy

A Modern Quilting Bee

A Modern Quilting Bee by Nancy Zieman of TV's Sewing With NancyOften you hear the phrase, “Quilting Bee”. I’m sure your mind pictures images of old: Friends, family, fabric, and fun. The Modern Quilting Bee has all those elements plus more. Join me as we journey outside the Sewing With Nancy studio to celebrate the art of quilting at the Quilt Expo in Madison, Wisconsin, and watch A Modern Quilting Bee on Sewing With Nancy online.


Modern quilting is a buzz word in the quilting community. Weeks Ringle, author, publisher, designer, teacher, lecturer, and fabric designer joins me for a chat on modern quilting—quilting as a reflection of today.

A Modern Quilting Bee by Nancy Zieman of TV's Sewing With Nancy

One of my favorite fabrics to work with when Landscape Quilting is hand-dyed fabric. Wendy Richardson is a master at dying fabric. Wendy joins me and shares some of the processes she uses when hand-dying fabrics.

A Modern Quilting Bee by Nancy Zieman of TV's Sewing With Nancy.

I’ve often said that I have the best job in the world, because I get to interview and learn from leaders and innovators in the sewing and quilting world. Lola Jenkins, quilter and lecturer, joins me to share her quilting journey inspired by her life and heritage.

A Modern Quilting Bee by Nancy Zieman of TV's Sewing With Nancy My next guest and friend, Laura Wasilowski, shares her art quilting methods for combining slow-quilting and quick-quilting.

A Modern Quilting Bee by Nancy Zieman of TV's Sewing With Nancy

When most of us think of quilts, we generally think of bed quilts or wall quilts. In addition to two-dimensional, quilting is also three-dimensional. Lorraine Torrence, author, designer, and educator, joins me to share her legacy exhibit of quilted garments. 

A Modern Quilting Bee by Nancy Zieman of TV's Sewing With Nancy

Watch A Modern Quilting Bee on Sewing With Nancy online.

To watch Sewing With Nancy on your iPad, iPod Touch, or iPhone, download the app.

Watch Sewing With Nancy online at NancyZieman.com

For a chance to win a Quilt Expo Tote Bag from Wisconsin Public Television, please leave a comment below sharing your favorite part of a sewing or quilting event.

2015 Quilt Expo Tote Bag

Nancy Zieman's Giveaway Winner

The random winner of a copy of Beginning Landscape Quilting book is Martha Drabiski. She said: I love the outdoors & would love to create a scene using your method.

Beginning Landscape Quilting Book by Nancy Zieman and Natalie Sewell from TVs Sewing With Nancy

Bye for now,

Nancy Zieman The Blog

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  • Bunny Hand
    October 15, 2015

    I love seeing what’s new at the vendors, but after a few quilts, all I want to do is get home and sew!!!

  • Susan
    October 15, 2015

    I love the interviews and new products. Sometimes I finally understand how to use a tool I own!!

  • Pam Tatge
    October 15, 2015

    My husband and I work as a team. He checks out all the latest at the sewing machine vendors, new gadgets, and quilt display. I look for newest thread, embroidery software, and especially the Nancy Notions exhibit.

  • Phyllis Brown
    October 15, 2015

    I record all of the”sewing why Nancy” programs and watch them on Saturdays when I sew. Long time fan of Nancy. Landscape quilting is a passion of mine, I would love to incorporate landscape quilting into clothing.

  • Peggy Nelson
    October 15, 2015

    I love everything about Quilt Expo! I entered two quilts in this year’s show! I love that is within driving distance for me to attend, too!

  • Diane C
    October 15, 2015

    The inspirations from the quilts.

  • Debbie
    October 15, 2015

    Nancy – I love that you LOVE your work…and believe me it shows. Your show is a weekly inspiration reminding me to find time in my schedule to slow down and enjoy sewing!

  • Debbie Ferrin`
    October 15, 2015

    I loved going to the Quilt Expo! Even though I couldn’t walk for 2 days after (I have arthritis in my hips) it was worth the pain. It gave me so much inspiration to see the creative works of my fellow quilters. Now I need to get busy and sew my UFOs!

  • Marty
    October 15, 2015

    My favorite part of a quilt event is seeing an original design and having the quilter discuss how it came to be created.

  • Mary Jo Pigott Groom
    October 15, 2015

    My favorite part of quilting is trying new patterns and new fabrics. It is exciting to mix and match. Quilting is my stress reliever 🙂

  • Melissa Morgante
    October 15, 2015

    Any type of quilting with old friends, new friends, brings my support group around me.

  • Joy
    October 15, 2015

    I enjoy studying the quilts, from appliqué stitches to quilt designs to binding techniques. Also, just being with quilting friends makes it special.

  • Margaret C
    October 15, 2015

    for six years I volunteered when the IQF was in Long Beach. I hung and took down the quilts. Great way to see exquisite workmanship up close with white gloves. Also fun to see the same faces over time.

  • Cyndi
    October 15, 2015

    I love the inspiration and ideas. Who doesn’t leave an event ready to go home & start working on one of the newest purchases?! I also enjoy interacting with the vendors, other shoppers and seeing old friends. Thank you for the give away!

  • Ellen
    October 15, 2015

    My favorite part of attending a show is going with my two
    dear friends who enjoy the talents of others and checking
    out all the wonderful products offered. We have a blast!

  • Debe
    October 15, 2015

    I really enjoy quilt &/or sewing shows & take some friends with me, as so much more fun with a friend. The beautiful workmanship is inspiring & sure gets all the creativity in me surging! It is also sooo hard to not over-spend at the vendor booths.

  • Virginia Pflum
    October 15, 2015

    I would love to go to the Expo next year. I’m sure they will have some great vendors with lots of new products.

  • Betty Harden
    October 15, 2015

    I love the inspiration of the quilts, but really the vendors and what the have to share. Absolutely will be attending the Expo there next year in Wisconsin. Nancy you are on my bucket list big time. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  • Jeanne R
    October 15, 2015

    I LOVE anything quilting! The more the better.

  • Jackie Branscum
    October 15, 2015

    I love looking at the quilts, but I think I love seeing the vendors and visiting with fellow quilters more.

  • Michelle Lynch
    October 15, 2015

    Looking at the quilts always comes first for me, but I also enjoy watching demos of techniques and tools. There is always something new to learn!

  • Lillian K
    October 15, 2015

    I love to see all of those spectacular quilts that I only wish I could do someday. And I enjoy seeing ( and buying) the new items & fabrics from the vendors.

  • Pamela T
    October 15, 2015

    I love going to Quilt Expo. I attended every year when I lived in Chicago. I have followed Nancy’s TV program for years. I DVR every weekly program and you inspired me to do more to give back to my community.

  • Pat
    October 15, 2015

    I was fortunate to attend this year’s Quilt Expo and as always my favorite part was the quilt display. My second favorite was sewing the new techniques at the various vendor booths. Thanks for being one of the driving forces behind this great show.

  • Sue Harris
    October 15, 2015

    Have you heard of Art Prize in Grand Rapids , MI? A beautiful landscape quilt one the competition. It’s the second time this artist has won. Check it out! Fabulous. $200,000 prize!

  • Linda
    October 15, 2015

    So inspired, love all the new products. Wonderful people

  • Linda
    October 15, 2015

    Inspiring ! Wonderful people. Love the knew products

  • Linda
    October 15, 2015

    I’m a new quilter and am hoping to go to some quilt shows

  • Mary Van Kleeck
    October 15, 2015

    We are so lucky to have this wonderful Quilt Show in our area, I wouldn’t miss it!!!

  • Sherri
    October 15, 2015

    This year I attended my first ever Quilt Expo. I was blown away! So many beautiful quilts on display and the workmanship was extraordinary. As a beginning quilter, I can only dream to be that good someday:)

  • Bonnye
    October 15, 2015

    My big sewing event is every Friday. My local fabric store, Hayes in Wilmington, De, offers free sewing demos. I get creative ideas from the owners.

  • Judy Schwarzmann
    October 15, 2015

    The best part of an event is the anticipation.And, after attending I never feel let down .Anticipation leads to excitement for my next project -with additions inspired from the event.

  • Jodi Bowlden
    October 15, 2015

    my favorite time was when I purchased my long arm at the show! SEW FUN!! 🙂

  • Barbara stein
    October 15, 2015

    The best things of a quilt expo are the demonstrations

  • Doreen Linehan
    October 15, 2015

    I enjoy the camaraderie, the new innovations and tools.

  • Diddy
    October 15, 2015

    The best part for me was the shopping! Oh my goodness, I was in heaven. All the latest things were right at your fingertips to fondle and coo over and I buckled under no pressure whatsoever and bought them. Everyone in each booth made sure I would be able to use each item before I left them. They all were so kind. Some of them, when they found out that I had come to the show from out of town, they took me under their wings for the rest of the show. We would have discussions into the night about different sewing techniques and life on the road with various sewing and quilting shows. Huzzah for the gals from LA. Us Southern sisters will always find some possum to tease! Ha!

  • Ruth Potter
    October 15, 2015

    I love my new iron. I know they are expensive but worth every penny. Also loved all of the hand quilted quilts. People in Wisc. really know how to quilt. I’ll look forward to coming again.

  • PamB
    October 15, 2015

    I love going to classes/demos to learn new techniques. And, of course the vendors that I don’t have available where I live.

  • Trish
    October 15, 2015

    My favorite part is when something you’re watching a quilting demo and you suddenly just get it and realize “I can do this”!

  • Mary Green
    October 15, 2015

    I like the exchange of ideas and learning new techniques and tips. The joy and enthusiasm can be electric.

  • Bonnie
    October 15, 2015

    I love seeing all of the beautiful quilts on display at a quilting show. They are a great source of inspiration for new ideas.

  • Helen
    October 15, 2015

    I have watched Nancy for many, many years and am constantly in awe of her talent she shares and the ability to teach others in such a clear understandable way. I hope to someday attend this Quilt Expo. I wish it was closer to where I live.

  • Mary Wippold
    October 15, 2015

    I like seeing all the quilts but most of all I like fabric. I love to see the new colors and designs.

  • Patricia Phaiah
    October 16, 2015

    The best part of any quilting event are the quilts and all the new products.

  • Jade
    October 16, 2015

    I volunteered at Quilt Expo and got to experience some fabulous lectures that I wouldn’t have otherwise attended.

  • Linda Phillip
    October 16, 2015

    My favorite part of Quilt Expo was meeting so many wonderful people. I made it my goal to reach out and talk to everyone and had a great time. There were so many interesting people that attended the show. I came away with more knowledge and some new friends.

  • Candice
    October 16, 2015

    Since I live in the Pacific Northwest, we have a wonderful plethora of Saturday morning sewing shows, and I love getting to visit so many of the instructors I see on tv. I’ve been fortunate to talk with you, Nancy, many times and have attended seminars at the Puyallup Sewing Expo. I love to stand in the background and listen to you talk with others as well. And Friday Night’s, with you and Mary Mulari – hysterical!!

  • Diane S.
    October 16, 2015

    My favorite sewing event is attending monthly Bernina Club classes. I learn new ways to use my machine’s features as well as see new sewing and quilting ideas.

  • Marjory W
    October 17, 2015

    My favorite part of a quilting event, such as as the biannual Kaleidoscope of Quilts of NW Ohio, is the inspiration I get from seeing all the exhibition quilts and the finished models at the vendor booths.

  • Sherry
    October 18, 2015

    I find it fascinating that several different individuals can use the same fabric, and quilt items that so different from the others in the way they use patterns. The colors are so vibrant and full of life. Love it.

  • patty graves
    October 19, 2015

    Travel to expo, meeting new friend and being able to continue to learn

  • Barbara R.
    October 19, 2015

    I just returned from a yearly sewing/quilting retreat and I always come away amazed at the inspiration and the variety of the projects!

  • Melanie Eddy
    April 22, 2017

    I love to learn new techniques at quilt shows. Some you learn from classes and demos, some from the quilts on display.

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