2016 Pillow Challenge Winners Announced

BabylockAnnaSewingMachine a

2016 Pillow Challenge Winners Announced

Whenever we post a sewing challenge, I’m inspired to try one of the contestants sewing techniques. Most of all, I take time to admire the creativity and workmanship. Thank you to all who entered and congratulations to all our winners. If you missed viewing the entries, check out our Pillow Challenge Blog


1. Folded Star Pillow

2. Floral Applique

3. Trapunto and Ruffles

4. Sashiko Pillow

5. Chapel Hill House in Watercolor

6. Morrison collage/thread paint pillow

7. Modern Pillow Patchwork

Randomly Drawn: Peacock Pillow

Thank you to our generous sponsors!

And the winners are…

FIRST PLACE: Baby Lock Sewing: Anna Sewing Machine, value of $399 BabylockAnnaSewingMachine aFolded Star Pillow


SECOND PLACE: Assorted Product Bundle (patterns, books and fabric) from Amy Barickman and Indygo Junction, case and props not included, value of $200

IndygoJunction Prize PillowChallenge2016 a1FloralAppliquea


THIRD PLACE: Assorted Product Bundle from June Tailor, value of $185 

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FOURTH PLACE: Clover Assorted Nancy Zieman Product Bundle, value of $165

Clover PillowChallenge 2016a1sashikopillow

FIFTH PLACE: Sewing With Nancy DVD Value Set from Nancy’s Notionsvalue of $164

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SIXTH PLACE: Pellon Product Bundle from Pellonvalue of $87


PellonPrizeBundlemo collage photobomb

 SEVENTH PLACE:  F+W Media Two-Book Package, value of $55

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RANDOMLY DRAWN WINNER: Hobo Tote Template and Notions bundle donated by Nancy Zieman, value of $50 Nancy Zieman Prize Collage PillowChallenge

See all the beautiful entries here:

Nancy Zieman The Blog

Email challenge questions to [email protected]. Challenge not open to sponsors, employees, and immediate family members. Photos and techniques may be featured in future promotions, blog posts, videos, and/or TV shows.
Nancy Zieman—author, pattern designer, businesswoman, producer, and national sewing authority—is the host of the popular show Sewing With Nancy, which appears exclusively on public television stations across the United States and Canada. Follow Nancy’s blog at NancyZieman.com/blog and sign up to receive Nancy’s E-News for the latest news in Sewing, Quilting, Creating, and Block of the Month updates.

Content in this feed is © copyright 2016 by Nancy Zieman and may not be republished without written permission. You’re welcome to forward the email to a friend or colleague but it’s not okay to add the RSS feed automatically as content on a blog or other website.


  • Jeni
    April 5, 2016

    Wow, it would be hard to choose winners from all these beautiful entries! Thanks for sharing.

  • Berenice
    April 5, 2016

    Amazing talent!

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