15 Projects to Make from T-Shirts

MaryMulari NancyZieman StockingsFirst 1

15 Projects to Make from T-Shirts


MaryMulari NancyZieman StockingsFirst 1

Make a Christmas Stocking from a T-shirt and more! T-shirts, we all have them. Whether from schools, vacations, concerts, sport events, or charitable causes, T-shirts hold memories usually stored in a drawer. Mary Mulari, our recycling expert, is here to encourage you to give those T-shirts a second chance and create unique gifts while renewing memories.

On today’s new episode of Sewing With Nancy, Mary shares a few fantastic projects that preserve memories and recycle treasured souvenirs. This is part-two of the series. Watch Second Chance T-Shirt Gifts Part One online today or purchase Mary’s Second Chance T-Shirt Gifts Pattern and DVD at Nancy’s Notions.

TShirt Cover MaryMulari 2

T-Shirt Pillow

On Second Chance T-Shirts Part Two, we’ll create personalized gifts from special T-shirts, which is easier than you might think. For example, turn a favorite T-shirt into a pillow with a few easy steps. Add pockets to hold a child’s favorite storybook or small toy. Then stuff and enjoy.

MaryMulari NancyZieman ChairCover


Give a favorite T-shirt a second chance by transforming it into a tote. This easy project takes advantage of the features of knit fabrics—no-fray edges—so the simplest of sewing techniques are used. Parts of another T-shirt give the handle area extra support plus a splash of color. Watch this Sewing With Nancy program online, now.

MaryMulari NancyZieman GreenBag

T-Shirt Santa Stocking

Make Christmas stockings from T-shirts to display in December from notable T-shirts. Choose T-shirt designs that relate to each member of the family or guests. The creative stocking collection is sure to spark conversations.

MaryMulari NancyZieman StockingsHere’s another idea—Add a festive highlight to family gatherings with a banner of reversible pennants. Choose T-shirt designs for each occasion or to represent family members. The back of each pennant is chalkboard fabric, providing space for a message.

MaryMulari NancyZieman Banner

Gloves Fit to a Tee

With a two-way stretch T-shirt knit, you can make your own gloves for special occasions, costumes, or lightweight warmth. Add a pocket for your phone or other essentials and your gloves will have flair and practicality at the same time.

MaryMulari NancyZieman Gloves

T-Time Toddler Bib

Take a colorful pair of T-shirts and make a practical, useful gift for a toddler. Maybe the T-shirts represent the mom or dad’s favorite sport, college, or hobby. The two-sided bib is a popular gift that can showcase the family legacy. Watch online.

MaryMulari NancyZieman Bib

Watch Second Chance T-Shirt Makeovers (Part One and Part Two) on Sewing With Nancy online.

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Happy Sewing and Quilting,

Team Nancy Zieman

Nancy Zieman Productions, LLC.

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  • Julie Kill
    August 2, 2018

    ALL of the t-shirt projects. Our eldest daughter is going to college in two weeks and has tons of t-shirts- Sports, 4-h, kids ECFE activities and others. She wants all of the recycled into things she can use.
    Since I’ve never worked with t-shirts, this would be really handy to get those projects done! Thanks for another wonderful way to keep items in use!

  • dana chaney
    August 2, 2018


  • Ann West
    August 2, 2018

    I have many T-shirts. I really need to find ways to use them in the projects in the book. Thanks!

  • Ruth Biese
    August 2, 2018

    Oh I’ve been wanting to make a t-shirt quilt for a long time, or the totes. What amazing ideas with Christmas right around the corner.

  • Carolyn
    August 2, 2018

    I would love to try the bib idea. Great to have for when the grandkids visit.

  • RitaMarie
    August 2, 2018

    I’d choose the gloves. They will be perfect for the cooler MN fall days soon to come.

  • Cindy K
    August 2, 2018

    The two sided bib would be a good starting project for me. Perfect for when the grandkids visit.

  • Becky C
    August 2, 2018

    Definitely the tote. One can never have too many totes!!

  • MoeWest
    August 2, 2018

    The T-tote looks easy and would be great for shopping. I think it would be small enough to always carry one in my purse.

  • Rebecca M.
    August 2, 2018

    I really like the Christmas stocking from a t-shirt! That would be the project I’d choose to do first. All of the projects look great, and the best part is that they’re being recycled and given a new use. Kudos!

  • Robin Hessefort
    August 2, 2018

    Would love to make a couple of these gloves. Would be great to coordinate with different winter jackets for driving this winter.

  • Jade
    August 2, 2018

    I have just the t-shirt I’ve been saving to make that tote!

  • Bonnie
    August 2, 2018

    Love the T-Tote and the Gloves Fit to a Tee! It would be great to recycle some of my favorite tees.

  • Theresa Campbell
    August 2, 2018

    I’m interested in the Santa stockings for my grandchildren, all boys. The possibilities are endless(sports, techies, cars, animals, etc.)

  • beth d.
    August 2, 2018

    I would try the tote and toddler’s bib.

  • jo Wray
    August 2, 2018

    What great ideas for tee shirts !

    August 2, 2018

    I will be making a tshirt quilt. My friend has 5 grown kids so it will be a special Christmas gift.

  • Clovis
    August 2, 2018

    All the t-shirts we have, we could make everybody something for gift giving.

  • Janet johnson
    August 2, 2018

    I will making a tote this week. I have a couple of t-shirts that would be so cute.

  • PamB
    August 2, 2018

    I like the gloves. I have never tried to make them and it looks like it could be challenging. I have short stumpy fingers so I think I could make a pair that actually fit my hands! Thanks

  • Raquel
    August 2, 2018

    Nice love the great ideas

  • Joanna
    August 2, 2018

    LOVE the T-Tote…would be so easy to put together and so many different looks!

  • Karen Poole
    August 2, 2018

    I’d love to try the t shirt gloves!!

  • Esther
    August 2, 2018

    I’d love to make the tote, but I really want to make a quilt. I have tons of concert T’s, plus all of my sports team T’s.. The quilts would be great for sitting on the patio during our fall Arizona nights.

  • Rosie
    August 2, 2018

    Definitely, the gloves. A very creative way to repurpose tees.

  • Linda
    August 2, 2018

    I would like to try the quilt and love the light weight glove idea.

  • Lynn
    August 2, 2018

    I like the Christmas stockings.

  • RITA
    August 2, 2018

    I am excited to make the T-time bib and the x-mas stockings
    from some of the old t-shirts I have been collecting.

  • Bethleen Bradford
    August 2, 2018

    The gloves would be good for me as my hands alone are often cold. Fun ideas.

  • Bonnye
    August 2, 2018

    The gloves. My husband is always cold in the house, especially when using the computer. Keep my hubby warm.

  • Martha
    August 2, 2018

    The stockings and bibs for gifts; the gloves for myself!

  • hally
    August 2, 2018

    i would make the tote bag! what a cool way to save my favorite concert t shirts!

  • Ronni Mathews
    August 2, 2018

    I would make my big brother an Oregon Ducks Christmas stocking!!

  • Diane Arnold
    August 2, 2018

    Love this idea!! I’ve seen the totes made from t-shirts but an idea just occurred to me to use a treasured hand painted sweatshirt of my daughter. She outgrew it many, many years ago. I had saved it thinking I could hand it down to her daughter some day. Time passes and only discovered it upon moving recently. Guess I’ll get it together for her daughter to carry and enjoy.

  • Elizabeth R
    August 3, 2018

    Oh my gosh! I would make totes and the gloves out of thrift store T-Shirts! They would make great Xmas gifts! PS I miss Nancy very much – she has taught me to embrace sewing like no other teacher!

  • Catherine H.
    August 3, 2018

    I was just in Tallahassee saw a t-shirt at my son’s place asked him to save it for. He was surprised one could make something from a t-shirt. I explained the items that could be made but Mary Mulari book list many items I neglected to mention to my son. I would love to win the book then I would be able to surprise him with several of the items for him, my grandson, Jack and granddaughter, Willa. I have Mary’s book on remake of sweatshirts and enjoy using it.

  • Joanne T
    August 3, 2018

    The gloves would be my first project.

  • Carolyn
    August 3, 2018

    I would make the t shirt bibs for the elderly. It would go into Christmas food baskets. I think they would be different enough to take the sigma off having to wear a bib. If not everyone at the table could put one on and have a good laugh.

  • Carol
    August 3, 2018

    I like the shoe bags for travel since they not only keep my packed clothes clean but also protect my shoes.

  • Diane L. Putzer
    August 3, 2018

    I’d probably make the t-shirt bib first.

  • Tracy Guebert
    August 3, 2018

    I love the stockings! Can’t wait to give them a try!!

  • Diane Schmidt
    August 4, 2018

    I love the idea of bibs for the elderly…..you could personalize them or follow the theme of the month such as Halloween or Thanksgiving. Will be making one for every one at the table!

  • Susan
    August 6, 2018

    Giving new life to an old T-shirt is a great way ot recycle and have fun at the same time. Love the idea of the Christmas stocking from a cherished school or sport!

  • Darlene
    August 6, 2018

    The projects that really struck me to do are the t-shirt bib and the stockings. My cousin recently passed suddenly and young (52) he had 1 date who is carrying his first grandchild. They were very close. I believe this expression of memory will be received well. He has several memorable t-shirts so to have a stocking hung at Christmas and for his grandson to have one for a bib would be fabulous!!

  • Rebecca Price
    August 10, 2018

    I have been making “clothes protectors” for elderly out of towels. Never thought of using T-shirts. Great idea.

  • Ella Zak
    October 14, 2018

    Mary Mulari has so many cool ideas, I just keep collecting and using her books, the stocking idea is so neat to be somewhat Christmassy but still so personal that my older ‘kids’ will love it

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